Pretty straight forward. Where do your characters go after a long quest in order to kick back relax have a few cold ones and tell some open-mouthed locals all about? Just curious. Thanks much.
I would probably stop at a few inns and some forts to trade in what Im bringing back with me and just sit back after a long hunt or a quest. Seems the best way. But a specific place? One of the clubs in Balmora more than likely. Seems very cozy in that place before a long Mage Guild transport back to Sadrith Mora
By the time I got done with it (furniture, lighting, workspaces, and a nice set of armor displays), Hlormaren was a cozy, bright, and cheerful place to kick back and relax with my handful of servants and companions.
By the time I got done with it (furniture, lighting, workspaces, and a nice set of armor displays), Hlormaren was a cozy, bright, and cheerful place to kick back and relax with my handful of servants and companions.
Not servants. Slaves! Did you set them free before? And do you pay them well if they accepted to remain and become your servants? I really hope so. If not tomorrow I'll pass by Hlormaren and kill all slavers. LOL :biggrin: After all it's part of my job in MW...