Whiterun for me. Comfortable, easy to get around..
Whiterun for me. Comfortable, easy to get around..
I like Marketh or however that is spelt. I like the house there.
But I like any of the holds that are covered in snow. I also like Dawnstar.
Whiterun, because it has a general merchant, an alchemy merchant and 3 blacksmiths. Plus, one never forgets the 1st house they buy, cause one has to have someplace to put all that plunder.
I like the Markarth house best but the best market is in Whiterun.
I like the atmosphere in Riften.. meh..
None I guess.. Raven Rock -lol
The only thing(s) I did not like about the house in Raven Rock was the music, and if I am in Skyrim, I have to "fast travel" (so I do not have to pay the boat guy every time) if I need to go and visit my house.
But the house in Markarth is by far the best as far as room and has more storage, but nothing can beat building your own.
I like building my own but not getting attacked by giants who will kill me very fast when I do go back there..
Living in Riften at the moment with my Dunmer male.
What I do is enter sneak mode every time I go to visit Winstad Manor. When the giant is there, I just sneak past him and go into the house. Then I go up to the 2nd floor, and out onto the roof via the library, and shoot him with fireballs from there. He runs and tries to hide behind some rocks, but I still get him.
When it comes to nature - The Rift, without a doubt. It's so beautiful and I love that feeling of crisp autumn air. (Autumn is my favorite season irl )
I hate how it's plagued by bears and wolves, though. It feels like you can't get through it (or even worse, RIDE through it, especially if you're a mage) without stopping every ten meters to kill some animal.
Now that I've played the game so much, I kind of like The Reach as well. But I hated it for a long time, because I always got lost and there were these freaking mountains everywhere that I couldn't get over! Haafingar is nice, too, it has a little of both snowy mountains and more lush terrain. And not so many bears.
If I take cities and towns in consideration, I have to say Whiterun (the capital itself is a nice, likeable city, and Riverwood is nice, too).
Winterhold, I have lots of good memories from there... some nice 11/11/11 memories
Falkreath Hold is a favorite. I feel it's a underrated town (With a bastard for a Jarl) and the area surrounding it is a treasure hunter's paradise.
A close second would have to be The Reach, but that's more for the visuals. Markarth can burn in a fire.
I may be biased as I always play as a Breton but the Reach
Falkreath, I wish I could have a house there (in the town, is there a mod?) and some more activity in the place. I also like Raven Rock, it really feels like you're exploring a new culture. I hope I could see more of Tamriel in Skyrim format.
The Reach is incredible and Markarth is one of the best cities in TES games
Eastmarch is beautiful especially the Southern reaches and geysers/hot springs.
Falkreath Hold has my favourite house and is a beautiful area.
The Rift is beautiful and under the watch of the Velothi Mountains and has large racial diversity.
Probably the Rift, the Reach or Falkreath. Raven Rock is my favourite town and urban house.
Solstheim is my favourite part of the game , especially the three major settlemnts of House Redoran, the Skaal and House Telvanni.
Whiterun. Easy to navigate. Easier to memorize the city and the area than some other holds. It also has the best Jarl and seems to be the least hostile major city. Windhelm has murderers, dark alleys and the such. Riften houses the Thieves Guild and it seems like many people there have bad attitudes. Solitude seems to be full of rich snobs who look down on you. Whiterun seems to be the friendliest place.
Falkreath! It reminds me of a place in the mountains not far from where I was born.
Whiterun for the central location, shopping, chatty people, warm atmosphere & only a stones throw away from a fight.
Falkreath, for it's environment. It seems to be the most underrated hold, as you never really have to go there for very much.
Or Whiterun, because it has all the shops and stuff I need.
The Pale is likely my favorite. With Winterhold and Whiterun being just behind it.
My three favorites are Whiterun, Falkreath and the Rift. I can't really pick a favorite, because I like them all for different reasons.