No really.. I like his personality and his accent

Yeah I think your right.
Frankly the theives guild had alot of potentially intresting characters that the questline barley scratched the surface of.
They're talking about the part Karliah played in the increasingly nonsensical plot, not her looks.
The best thieves guild character, with loads of presence, and character.
I had a mod back then that enhanced his quests and stories a lot, and it was a whole quest line by itself.
God, how I moss those days that adding whole quest lines was quite easy by today standards.
Brynjolf is my favorite cause he's awesome
Karliah is my least favorite because she has a god awful accent, she's not loud so I have to turn up the volume to hear her (Yes I know there are subtitles) then adjust back down so I don't get blown away by everyone else. She does have pretty eyes though :3 And...
My only problem with Karliah is that she uses the Dragonborn and Brynjolf's souls as bargain to restore her relationship with Nocturnal.
I honestly couldn't buy the whole "OMG MERCER'S TOO POWERFUL! You must do it!"
She wasn't even going to tell you about the servitude in the afterlife.
If Brynjolf hadn't stopped and asked her what the terms were, she would've let you sign a contract blindly.
Why is Karliah getting such a bum rap? I didn't vote her as favorite, but she's far from the worst in my opinion.
Tie between Brynjolf and Delvin for me. Both really cool dudes.
I hate Sapphire. I don't see why she gets so much love.
Also, this poll needs more Vekel the Man.
Karliah should burn in hell, she ruined a pretty good questline.
The bartender is pretty boss.
Karliah is annoying as hell.
Vekel is the only one who never acknowledges you.
Delvin Mallory is the best [censored] member of the entire guild! Heck, if there was a reason to join, it'd be him. The guy is Jason [censored] Statham!
As for my least favorite, Karliah, as she's a pathetic excuse of a thief, needs to take that horrific hood off, as she looks balder than Mr. Clean. I don't mind her accent, I just hate her woobie attitude, AND [censored] YOU FOR MAKING ME SELL MYSELF TO NOCTURNAL! I could have easily busted down the freaking door, and dripped Frey's spine fight out of his ass. [censored] you and Nocturnal! You did manage to steal one thing, Karliah, and that was robbing of us an otherwise awesome quest line for your BS.
I really like sapphire. I find she puts on a huge tough guy act but can be really sweet if you get to know her. I dont blame her considering what happened to her. Wish I could marry her. Delvin would be a close second. And brynjolf in third.
Isn't Dirge in the TG? I don't like him.
I voted Mercer as least just because what he did.
Mercer was, at the very least, an unabashed and unashamed thief who is sticking it to Nocturnal and her minions that didn't tell him the catch for sorta okay spells and cool armor.
Brynjolf and Delvin for me. Those are the two coolest fella's on the TG and yeah come to think of it.. Delvin look like Jason Statham lol
I would say Karliah also just cause as people said, she used me and Brynjolf as her peace offering for Nocturnal.. They really don't know you are the Dragonborn and i dunno if they will care.. But the person i REALLY hate is that dunmer Ravyn Imran. Arrogant SOB that's what he is. I dun friggin care if he's some sort of dunmer hitman or w.e. the heck he is. He clearly don't have respect especially at the ceremony when they appoint you Guild Master. He keeps walking in front of you while the Four anoint you as Leader like a freakin boss. If its permitted i would shot an arrow straight through his head and i would do the same if his fellow dunmer hitman's try to avenge him.
Let me just say - I think your avatar is awesome.
Delvins "ard" british accent is what swayed me, real cockney.
Favorite is Sapphire. She has an actual interesting background, yet holds back a little information to remain mysterious. Just wish to heck she was marriageable.
Least is Vex. Dang even after becoming guild master she smarts off to me and demands that I go do more jobs. Just once I'd like to say, "Hey Vex, tell you what, show me what jobs you have and I'll tell you which one I want you to have done by tomorrow. Fail me and I'll kick your &*^&^%%." Just once ... just once.
He has personality, and has story arcs outside of the Thieves Guild quests.
I like them all to a varying extents. But pushed to just one, i'd go with Karliah for her awsome voice & style. Mercer for the least liked, as he was always miserable.
Vex is favorite cuz she's a babe and has nice voice.
I don't really care about who is least favorite but voted Sapphire because of what she did to that horse boy.
I like Mercer Frey because he is what I expect of a Thieves' Guild thief. He's a sneaky bastard, one that could only be stopped by the rarely employed, elusive Bethesda Plot Device.
Brynjolf for favorite, Mercer Frey for least favorite. Karliah was a close second for favorite.
Brynjolf was the one who recruited my Nord into the guild, and I guess his accent along with his likeable personality kept him at the top of my list.
Mercer Frey was an obvious villain who seemed to have a stick shoved up his butt, and I was more than happy to leave his corpse swimming in Irknthand.
I voted Brynjolf for my favorite as he as a unique voice, and I like that, plus he would have made an excellent guild leader.
I voted Mercer Frey as my least favorite because I can't stand his voice, it gets on my nerves.
HOWEVER! Lets not forget who truly is the worst Thieves Guild member, and that is the Grey Fox! [censored] him, the butthole was nothing but a lazy ass who made you do everything when he could have just as easily done it himself since he had Nocturnal's Cowl. Plus, he made you do all of that just so he could rejoin his wife! I said screw him, and killed him once he gave the cowl just because he used me when he could have just as easily done that crap on his own.