Why isn't Glover Mallory on here for my favorite Guild character?
Why isn't Glover Mallory on here for my favorite Guild character?
So very, VERY, true. Oh Grey Fox, I'm a comin' to get you...and so is Seras with her shadow claw...
Gotta love Delvin. Mercer svcks. Not interesting at all and has that awful voice.
Least favorite faction in its entirety; the rabble you find in the Cistern is somewhat interesting, since everyone has their own little backstory, but the rest of them are transparent, one-dimensional characters. I'm not quite sure how I could choose a favorite and a least favorite when there's so little to like, but not enough to hate. If I were to pick a favorite, then I'd pick Glover Mallory -- without spoiling, I find he has more depth and development than any of the subpar characters that were included in the main game.
In hindsight, nobody in the Thieves' Guild is memorable; the characters the the PC is force-fed are hardly tolerable, of course I speak for myself only. I suppose I dislike Karliah more so than anyone else, since she's not a necessary ingredient that needed to be included in this recipe, and one of storytelling disaster at that.
Karliah is hideous. In regards to both her appearance and her voice. Such a weird face (purple eyes? Eww.) and that accent! Urrgh, makes me want to punch her right in her freaky face.
Delvin is awesome. His appearance, voice, everything. A really good character that feels substantial. I would have liked to hear more about him in the game or even team up with him for heists, robberies, etc.
In fact I like most of the thief guild members. They all seemed to have a past (that was not explored further which is another wasted chance in this game) and felt real in a way that I have trouble putting into words.
Just Karliah. Wow. And eww. There was just something really creepy and off about her design that I, ... eww. No, I don't want to think about her anymore. I think I need a shower.
Ugh. I guess Delvin, or Brynjolf, though most are OK, just not great. Mercer is an annoying fart. Karliah is wasted potential. the whole quest line svcked donkey balls so it's kind of hard to blame the characters for what the lame ass writers did with them.
Since we're doing voice actor trivia, Vex is voiced by the same woman who did Haruko in English dub of FLCL
Well, I guess I'm my favorite, but I'd certainly pay good money to know where Vex goes skinny dipping.
Favourite: Delvin. Not just because hes on the leaders of the TG and sounds like Jason Statholm, but because he seems to genuinely want to watch your back and help you out with getting jobs, getting the TG on its feet again, and even seems to be rather intelligent as far the business of thievery goes. Always a pleasure to talk to.
Least: Sapphire, though Vex would be a close second. Both of these women are just generally unlikable, unfriendly, and a pain to listen to. Sapphire has no real depth, and if i could i would have her thrown out of the guild for doing business without giving the guild a cut. She just seems like a major liability.
I can no longer stand that stupid Breton voice.
Is Vekel not technically a member of the Guild? Because his constant "So, you're Brynjolf's new protege. Don't look like much to me." when I'm the guild master is grating.
Yeah Vekel's response is kind of annoying.. It doesn't change from the moment i become member to me being guild master.. The Thieves Guild had a lot of potential for quests like finishing the story lines of the members. Examples, The mystery rune of Rune and Sapphire's past. But overall i'm pretty satisfied.. We can't have it all lol
The questline svcks--makes no sense whatsoever--but she didn't write the damn thing. Blame Bethesda's writers.
That said, Delvin's my favorite for the reasons already posted: he's got your back and is actually helping you. Plus, he has a badass accent! Close second to Brynjolf, also for the accent!
Least favorite: Mercer, not even for what he did in the (tortured) storyline, but for his voice, which really begins to grate on me after a while. They really shouldn't have given that voice actor so many parts, but saved him for a few key parts where his voice would have more impact.
Well that voice actor is pretty talented, and im glad he got to voice so many characters. the thing is people listen to Belethor (who is supposed to be annoying BTW) and then judge from there. which is dumb really.
He's talented, yes, but his voice is definitely an acquired taste!
Delvin is probably my favorite. He's down to earth, helpful and doesn't give me a hard time.
Surprisingly, even for me, Brynjolf is fast becoming one of my least favorites. Now that I'm the Guildmaster, he's too darned busy to talk to me? Really? Makes me wonder what he's doing behind my back? Makes me wonder if Karliah and I shouldn't start looking about for another member of the Nightingales. Makes me wonder if we shouldn't have a surprise inventory of the vault.
The rest of the crew is just what I'd expect.
I still think Belethor has some of the better lines in the game. He fits the bill as a medieval-era shopkeeper.
His name's Stephen Russell. He is, in my opinion, one of the most talented voice actors in the industry and is, by far, my all time favorite. He also voices Clavicus Vile and Barbas, which shows his vocal range. Bethesda kind of wasted an opportunity with him, though. He could have done many more voices for the game, with each of them sounding completely distinct, yet they decided to make him do only the one. If you're going to choose a voice actor to play a thief, though, he should be your number one choice
Back on topic.. seems to me like Karliah is awfully polarizing. Hell, her voice alone is polarizing I personally think her accent is sixy and annoying at the same time (who ever said that's not possible?)
Not surprised about Mercer being the most disliked. He's kind of an ass.
That name sounds- OMG GARRETT http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1592197/
I'm not surprised by how this is going, Delvin is a cool dude and Mercer is just a jerk about everything.
Most favorite is a toss-up. Brynjolf and Mallory are running neck-and-neck. Both are well-voiced and fit my idea of the guild perfectly. Least favorite would have to be Dirge and Tonilia, but Tonilia would win because Dirge wasn't in the running.
Sapphire is my favorite & Mercer Frey is my least favorite for obvious reasons