» Fri May 27, 2011 9:12 pm
Lucien LaChance SPOILERS ahead (dont know how to mark)
Sure he was a fanatic and he didnt really have a backround story why he became one. Then again TES is based on dark medieaval age and there were all kinds of crazies around at that time, the inquisition that burned or drowned people for almost no reason.
I liked the way he speaks to you and his methods of approaching, I wish we could get to know him closer.... and he was one of those few likeable DB characters, that big orc and that khajiit being the other 2 I cherished. Of course they all get killed wether you like it or not and you get stuck with 1 dimensional wet behind the ears sithis fanatics... DB storyline started good and went so downhill later... i think I went a bit offtopic now though.