What does this have to do with Skyrim? im just going to poke at the big ol elephant in the room. mind you all the series are interconnected and have alot to do with each other but you have to realize these games were made in different time periods, different game philosphies, and different technology. if Oblivion had Morrowinds complexity in terms of faction conflicts, exploration, and choices. wrapped all that up with decent combat and stuck to the lore sure it would have been even more sauce than Morrowind.
Todd an company as much of a grain of salt as I take with there words, already said they are
going trying to bring back that sense of discovery and awe that was present in Morrowind but you can't say Morrowind was better than Oblivion because of its writing and your POV just as one can't say Oblivion was better than Morrowind because of Combat, the advancements in Combat was a given with time, just as Morrowinds story and complexity was a given with how games were back in the day.
after 2003 quality games tanked, it was around then we started hearing alot about Games being rushed and unfinished then the graphics craze came and it went all down hill from there.
Skyrims will be its own game just as all the other installments were, and anyone who keeps flaming about people looking for Oblivion 2.0 or Morrowind 2.0 in Skyrim can go to

bliviongate: because that is an entirely false and stupifying statement to make.