Favorite place to "harrass" Raiders?

Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:33 pm

I would say my favorite place is Corvega Assembly Plant. If you go due west from that area or from the disposal site just SW of that, you can climb a trailer there up to the broken overpass and walk to the edge and sit back and just snipe the Raiders. Love nothing more than watching them running around freaking out about who is shooting them

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 6:08 am

Not really any specific place but if you can find a Deathclaw while near a Raider camp... Bait the Deathclaw to the Raider camp. Bethesda has finally made Raiders not suicidal and they will run for the hills when facing something like a Deathclaw. It's hilarious to watch them all freak out (after pointing their guns at you, thinking that it was just you coming through).

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