I'd love to hear your reasoning as to how Dwemer maintain the 'exact stereotype of elves'. They are kind of close to the opposite to be honest.
Favourite race, lore based: Dwemer
Very original and 'weird/unexpected' kind of race with a healthy amount of mystery around them. What I love about them:
- Their focus on technology, mathematics and innovation. I just wonder what they would have been able to accomplish had they not dissapeared.
- Very high intelligence.
- Being able to bring live to constructs.
- Being responsible for the creation of the most badass machine of war ever to excist.
- Their basic, strong and functional architecture with a significant, angular style.
- The way their armor and other tools look.
- Their society in which free thinking, logic and reason is highly valued. I like that the most skilled architects/engineers and the most intelligent and well reasoning dwemer would have the highest reputation and ranking within society.
- Their reputation as "mockers and profaners of the divine" strikes me as interesting, because they are one of the few people in ES that come close to being atheist. They'd rather trust their own common sense, rather than put faith into a god.
- And of course their whole disappearance is one of the most discussed topics throughout ES. I love the way Bethesda handles this.
Favourite playable race: Redguards (Orsimer on 2nd. Really like Dunmer as well, but them being so 'overliked' and 'overplayed' spoils it for me)
- The HoonDing.
- The 'way of the 'spirit sword', with which a Redguard sword-singer would be able to create a sword out of pure power of will. This sword was supposedly able to cut through atoms. It's just awsome that there is such a massive potential for growth when it comes to martial skills.
- Their introduction to Tamriel instantly gave them the reputation of being formidable warriors and swordsman.
- Interesting society with the unrest between Crowns and Forebears. Also the martial aspect of their society and the fact that Redguards expect from one another to posess the basics of combat fits nicely with their history.
- Their customs. For example, if a young Redguard seeks entrance into the knight nobility, he'd have to survive a certain amount of time in a Dwemer ruin. Entirely on their own, except for their weapon.
- Having a vastly different and original pantheon. Of course, there are similarities and gods that are 'alike', but still.
- They have proven to be capable of some impressive accomplishments on the battlefield. Fighting back the Aldmeri Dominion in the great war, after the empire had already surrendered to the WGC. I just love underdogs that win and are not afraid to try and stand up for their people. And then there's them wiping out the Lefthanded Elves, which supposedly let to the catastrophic sinking of Yokuda.
There is alot more subtle details, but this is it in a nutshell.