What's your favorite race and plz comment why? Just curious!
What's your favorite race and plz comment why? Just curious!
Due to the fact that they have been my favorite fantasy race, aside from Dwarves, since I was a little kid.
I like Dunmer because of their lore and I really like Morrowind (giant mushroom houses! Makes me feel like a smurf). They have been my favorite since I first played oblivion. Then Morrowind made me love them even more ( I played the games out of order).
i know this is my thread, but I just wanted to add my 2 cents
In the series, Dunmer. In this game, Nord. Which is a testament to how much I like the setting of Skyrim, because I used to hate Nords with a passion.
edit - the reason I like Dunmer the most? Joining House Redoran and living in a giant crab. And Azura, and Chitin armour and ash yams. Loves me some ash yams.
I kinda hate the Nords currently. They are racist and too human like for my taste (in a fantasy game ). I like the game Skyrim, but the land doesn't really impress me. Too cold and earth-like.
*not trying to start a fight, just giving my opinion*
Nords, descendents of Kyne and the inheritors of her storm voice. Whose ancestors took back what was once theirs and made the Snow Elves pay tenfold for their transgression in Sarthaal. The chosen of Shor, and holders of the most famous heroes of any race in Tamriel. And the holders of the Shezzarine. What's not to love.
Altmer because of their lore, same for the dunmer.
I don't know why the Altmer and the Dunmer are considered on the same side. The Dunmer are generally more humble and kind of keep to themselves (except when the nords tried to take over part of Morrowing. F u nords!). The Altmer are cruel and rutheless. I, being always a dunmer in TES games, personally hate the High Elves. Dunmer get a bad rap,
There's something about being silver-skinned and known to run around naked that intrigues me deeply.
As far as playable race. Well... Imperials, of course.
Bretons. Hopefully. They aren't that fleshed out, but I like intrigue and political drama.
I was torn between Bretons and Bosmer, I chose bretons due to my liking of Spellswords but I would have voted on both if I could have. But Snow Elves would be at the bottom with the Dwemer for me. Their lore is great and all, but when it comes down to it, they maintain the exact stereotype of elves. They saw Nords returning to their Ancestral home and saw them as an 'endangerment' to the ecosystem, immediately putting themselves above them. Screw the Snow elves and the Dwemer, they both deserved their fate.
To me, the setting is best thing about Skyrim. The land, the rivers, its all just a big old bowl of awesome sauce. I like the cities, and the sabre cats, and the spriggans. I do love the province, its amazing to me. Much, much better than Cyrodiil in Oblivion, and as good as Morrowind.
Khajiit, because nobody likes them.
I like things people don't like... I'm such a rebel.
But no, I like them because they seem much more suitable for the "unlikely-hero" type due to their stereotypical reputation.
Hrm.. Tough call! My go to race/build has always been an Imperial/Human Bandit type. Up until Skyrim I would say most certainly Imperial, but I am having an absolute blast playing an Orc right now. They just look so bad ass in this game and I really dig the tribal stronghold culture. I guess I'll still vote Imperial at this point. I like their versatility. A brigand with a silver tongue and a head for diplomacy when needed never hurts.
I agree. I never cared for a Nord before Skyrim nor ever played as one but soaking in the land and culture has moved them up to the top of my favorite list with Orcs coming in a close 2nd....funny thing is that Altmer were my fav in OB and now they're closer to the bottom
My least favorite aside from the so called "beast" races has always been Imperials, couldn't even get into 1 in their own backyard so a Redguard ended up being my Champ of Cyrodil.
Argonian. Amphibian poker face assassins, masters of the guerilla with Polynesian vibe. Gotta love those guys.
Nords. At first it were Argonians, but for some odd reaon, I don't really like to play as one anymore. Always liked lizard men as a fantasy race.
Was really awesome when I first played Oblivion. So happy.
Argonian. I have always liked lizards and reptiles. I probably wouldn't even be playing TES if there wasn't playable Argonians in it. The first TES I tried was TES 2: Daggerfall's demo version. When I found out that you can be a lizardman I immediately wanted to buy the full game. I also really liked that in TES Argonians aren't an evil aligned race like lizardmen often are in fantasy series. I could be a good guy like http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lexw8kUP2H1qe2x8to1_400.jpg or http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/1/15777/503695-oaw_frog.jpg.
Argonian is also a perfect fit for the kind of unlikely hero character I love to play as. A character who isn't liked and isn't the kind of hero everyone expected. I also like fighting for equality and freedom. Argonians are often mistreated and they have also been taken as slaves by Dunmer.
I think we pretty much like the same kind of characters.
Currently Redguards. When i started playing Tes games my favorite race was Dunmer but then i learnt more about the lore and it was a constant change between Bosmer and Bretons. Now i prefer to play Redguards because I like the lore and their looks. They are described as more adventuring types then soldiers. I like that. I also like the Argonians. Dunno why but they were always sympathetic.
The only race i don't like is Nords. But this is only since Skyrim.
Bretons. I always liked their racial background.
When I discovered Enhanced Character Edit, I was jumping all around the place. See, I was finally able to do what I always wanted: Give my Bretons slightly pointy ears and a little bit of elvish face.
Nord, because they're typically survivalists if one doesn't consider Solitude.