Which is your favourite magical school and why?
(I included Mysticism due to nostalgia )
Which is your favourite magical school and why?
(I included Mysticism due to nostalgia )
Conjuration. Because I can conjure and/or reanimate anyone and anything. You kill my follower? Boom, I raise them from the dead to fight again. You are a powerful foe? Boom, I summon two Dremora Demons to fight with me. Hey look a dead master vampire. Boom, I reanimate him and now he is my slave.
Conjuration to me is the end all, be all when it comes to magic. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE conjuration/necromancy.
Couldn't agree with you more. I wanted there to be a Necromancy focused DLC but you know...
Alteration... battles were won by this lovely school of magic!
Alteration, Mysticism and Destruction were my favorites
But I voted Mysticism for now, for all the fun spells it had
In vanilla - Conjuration
With mods - Alteration.
get to a higher level and then all you see is "too powerful" on most things that you try to resurrect, especially master vamps.
I vote destruction because I like to kill it with fire
Adds nice utility spells. Feather is my favorite. Very useful.
The perk tree with SkyRE (as all of them) is pure kickass too.
Bound Weapons + Dremoras or Atronachs= Kickass
Runner up to Alteration, and the magic formerly known as Mysticism.
[shrew voice] Restoration is a perfectly valid school of magic! [/shrew voice]
I like all of them really, but toasting undead with Sun Fire makes me happy. Also, it's pretty.
I do miss the greater variety of spells from previous games though.
no love for illusion? one dual cast of frenzy will bring down the majority of a giants camp
Restoration, since I play a warrior/archer and don't care to use magic much beyond healing my scratches and bruises, most of the time.
Alteration is a close second, due to the AR spells coming in very handy, especially as I like having that difficulty setting say legendary.
Conjuration is a solid third for the fun bound weapon spells, but those mainly serve as backups in case I'm disarmed, or want to break the monotony of my Skyforge steel sword. It's also cool to summon things just to fight, when I'm not in the mood to go on bandit hunts.
Destruction after that for the lulz. Sun Fire, shock, and fire spells are fun to play with once in awhile.
No love for Thaurmaturgy? Restoration it is then.
Ah yes, but does your thrall keep you warm at night and tell you he loves you?
When fully modded Alteration, why? It has really cool spells I.e levitation, water walking/breathing, push spells, grab spells, time slow/freeze spells ect.
So I find it quite entertaining, but If we're only counting vanilla I would have to say illusion as I enjoy controlling peoples minds.
Yes, she does.
Third one in particular. Second one's a bit cold...