Mine is probably the dark brotherhood, I love playing as stealth characters. What are yours and why
Mine is probably the dark brotherhood, I love playing as stealth characters. What are yours and why
People disagree, but Thieves Guild all the way. The plot twists, the (IMO) prettiest Light Armour...
Oh, and Brynjolf and Karliah
I'm going to take the easy way out and say there are aspects of a handful of them that I really like. For example:
Dark Brotherhood has some nice twists and turns, plus it's neat how it ties in to a (semi)random encounter out in the gameworld. I don't like how the theives guild and DB steal from each other's plot with the "bring them to their former glory" mechanic. Still working my way through both of those though.
College of Winterhold has some great dungeon crawling at the core of its questline, but is almost incongruous in how suddenly you become archmage.
The epic battles in the Civil War were a great time but the questline lacked depth.
I know I started the bard one in Solitude at some point on some character, but I can't recall any of it now.
If Bethesda had included the cut content, probably the CW for the Stormcloaks.
Otherwise, I enjoyed anything and everything that involved piracy and international trade, such as http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Rise_in_the_East.
I'm sure I have yet to actually see all parts of all side storylines, but I'll say the Thieves Guild. The whole storyline/quest with Karliah was one of my favorites in the entire game.
That's not taking into consideration the Dawnguard and Dragonborn storylines, since I consider them both and the actual main quest to be the three main quests of the game. But maybe that's just me.
I love these topics...
Out of the 4 guilds, I like the Companions questline the most cause it involved a "little bit" of teamwork, interior struggles (Werewolf), exterior struggles (Silver Hand), etc... The story itself may not be the best but it was good and highly acceptable. I personally felt more like a fellow brother within the guild rather than a worker. (The Fighters Guild always made me feel like a worker so always hated them).
Second favorite would be the Dark Brotherhood as it also involve quite a bit more story and struggles for the player (The whole struggle thing about being the Listener and the false leadership). Even better so in Oblivion DBH, which didn't provide much struggle at all... Just a BIG plot twist near the ending and one badass NPC.
3rd one would be the College of Winterhold. All together, I liked the story and how everything played out... But it went a bit too fast and didn't really get to have a "College" experience. That's my only dislike for this questline. Still better though than the Mages Guild "Necromancers are evil! Herp-a-derp! Kill them all!"
Last Guild is the Thieves Guild for obvious reasons... It did had interesting plot twists though but too predictable and the story was really just meh + boring... Didn't made much sense either with the whole Nocturnal thing... This was TOTALLY a huge disappointment especially after what we were handed from the TG in Oblivion. That TG was just totally and completely awesome.
Now, as for all other minor quests? There's a lot of them and pretty much most of them I do like and enjoy. Only a few I can really just pick out to hate, such as the Bard's College thing.
Dark Brotherhood because you actually did what an assassins guild was supposed to do...
The rest were laughable, although at least the Mage's Guild itself (COW) you had the best spells, best trainers, and decent and relevant side missions, you know, what an actual guild is supposed to have.
I consistently do a number of side quests before doing main quest lines for any of the factions/guilds in Skyrim. Wish the rewards scaled better but meh. Doing the side quests makes me feel a lot better about all of them.
Well, sadly...
(Do not click unless you know how all the quests end)
Dark Brotherhood: Forces you to kill the Emperor.
Thieves Guild: Forces you to sell your soul to a daedric prince.
So I guess the College of Winterhold, since it does none of the above.
Also, I felt COW and DB had the best rewards. Although I still miss House Telvanni's rewards from Morrowind. COW had best characters/personalities.
I liked the Thieves' Guild a lot, as far as the guild story-lines go. I think making the guild a lot more thuggish and obviously criminal compared to Oblivion was pretty fitting. I mean, they are thieves, after all. The missions were also pretty entertaining, as the dungeons or areas were fairly well-designed, and it was pretty fun getting through undetected or without fighting anybody.
^Shill jobs & Fishing jobs. Do them, they are fun
My favorite is actually the Companions, despite how short it was. I'm not a thief, I'm not an assassin, I didn't really care for the College of Winterhold questline that much, the Bards College was okay but I pretty much liked everything in the Companions storyline.
Supposedly, the Stormcloaks were supposed to have enlisted the aid of some giants to help drive the Empire out of Skyrim. The CW overhaul mod (which seems buggy for me) includes them. The Seige's are MUCH tougher and more fun,
That would have been awesome! I never knew that was intended. Wish they'd have left that in.
I might also have to look into that mod.
The TG and the brotherhood were the best. all others were forgettable.
The TG one was long and very entertaining and had the best characters, brynjolf, delvin, karliah, and mercer FTW!
The DB also had a very good questline and interesting characters. such as astrid, nazir and cicero. sure it doesnt live up to oblivion's questline but thats because oblivion's DB was too damn good.
The companions mq would have been good if it wasnt so short. same with COW.
I enjoyed both the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. I was more engaged by the stories and NPCs of Skyrim's Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood than I was when I played these guilds in Oblivion.
But if I had to pick just one I guess it would be the Thieves Guild.
I agree. The CoW was interesting, but it didn't give me that 'college' vibe. And the side quests made me feel like an angry Librarian on a rampage. "LATE FEES? it's to late for fees." *lightning storm*
I enjoyed the companions, except for the pacing. I feel the could have done MUCH more with them.
Out of all of the factions, I think the Dark Brotherhood was probably the most fun to play. It had some nice little plot twists and some interesting characters. Every bit enjoyable, it still cannot top the DB in Oblivion, in my humble opinion.
Secondly, I like the College of Winterhold but the ending left me with more questions
The Dawnguard was a pretty enjoyable faction, if dlc counts. I liked the story and the new armors, weapons and spells.
Dark Brotherhood was most enjoyable, I love the story line and the plot twist. Killing in a stealthy way is always fun.
My opinion is the opposite. What I most enjoyed about CoW was the feeling I got that I was indeed part of a college.
When I did quests for my classmates, when I went to Saarthal alongside them, when I overheard them talking to each other about their studies, ect, I really did feel like I was in a school with fellow students.
I did not get that feeling at all from Oblivion's Arcane University, by contrast. The Arcane University was a great example of a school that did not feel like a school to me.
But to each his own...