» Tue May 17, 2011 12:28 pm
Think about the sickest looking class, that can be any class desired, that comes out to be an Argonian ( for me ).Argonians make great mages, assassins, thiefs, and warriors. Over my time in TES games, Argonians where quite wierd at first, in Morrawind I decided That I hated Dark Elves,and they used to be my favorite race. Argonians where just cool. I hated how Dunmer make argonians, Khajiit, and Orcs ( ORCS-Actually I don't care about them, even though their beast in Morrawind).Argonians are just awesome for me, and I personally Know that will always be my first race in any TES game to come, Its my tradition.
These are my Oblivion characters-(not labeled by names, only by race)
High Elves-7
Dark Elves-1
*My highest was a level 42 Argonian.
*I have so many files because of how many where wasted with un-curable vampirism on The Play Station 3.
*Only 30% of my files are successful.
*I have always kept count on my files, and their classes.
*Im sorry if you are someone who read this and suffered it.