Does he ring a bell? No? Because he's me. My character on Star Wars Galaxies.

If we're playing like that, Medoar Runningsky. My character in SWG

Or Govest Awi, my Ithorian character. Both are badasses and feature in any Star Wars game that allow character customization.
Other than myself, I'd have to say it's probably Kal Skirata/any Mandalorian.

I can agree with the Mandalorians. Pure badasses.
Or Darth Malgus - the Sith Lord who infiltrated and destroyed the Jedi Temple during the Sacking of Coruscant. Featured in both of The Old Republic's cinematic trailers, as well as one of it's spin-off books.
I honestly love reading about Sith Lords and their various exploits. The whole Korriban part of KOTOR is awesome. I should play that game again.
Good guys? Probably Han, or Chewbacca. Or Obi-Wan Kenobi - EPIV mainly, though he was the only likeable character for me in prequels.
I love Star Wars :wub: