I like the stories I tell myself, especially the ones where I can create a happy ending.
I liked finding the moon-forge and weapons. I forget where that was, somewhere west of Whiterun I think
I can't think of any but I do remember coming across many of them :\
The dead altmeri elf flower girl near a pond with spriggans near the thalmor embassy (name escapes me of the actual place) always interested me. Its always a dead altmeri alchemist. And she is just resting against a fallen tree every time like she sat down to rest and never woke up again.
The untold story about buckets being what people use to do their business, and lets not forget helga's room.
It's been a while so the details are a bit fuzzy, but there's a tent on the northern coast with an Amulet of Mara and some other stuff. It looks like what might have been a lovers tryst, but there aren't any bodies or notes that I can recall. It just struck me as odd and made me curious to find out what was the full story about that abandoned campsite.
The hotspring-bathing hunters in Easmarch.Why can't I????
Also, the pool in the northern Reach with a dead woman and forsworn arrows scattered around.
OH MAN, also the frozen mammoth corpse with spears/ballista bolts impaling it.
The buckets... LOL And the various books and potions (like restore stamina) within easy reach
Vex's note(s) to Devlin in The Ragged Flagon get me smiling.
The Mages Guild students you find (that got cut out of being an actual quest, though one of the mages talks about them). The 2 trying to make cold mead, the one working on her fireshield spell, the one trying to control Skeevers, and the one that has a dagger you find.
YES! I like that one, too It is filled with wine bottles, flowers, some food and some clothes
The dead chickens that are an indicator of Forsworn presence. What is their strange and terrible hatred of innocent fowl? And could this hidden obsession be the real reason for their loss of Markarth to Ulfric? Seriously, there are always a few dead chickens scattered around any area where there are Forsworn. With mods that add birds, there will sometimes be other types as well, like dead Geese laying around. Really weird.
Off the top of my head my favorites are more like easter eggs than untold stories: the ice cave that has a hanging skeleton reaching for a sword, and the bridge near Markarth that has 3 goats and a dead troll.
I have always wanted to know the story of that Wispmother in the cemetary of Labyrinthian.
Or that of the Wispmother that appears from the well north of Ivarstead.