This is actually a somewhat minor but important aspect of game play flow that BGS has not addressed to my knowledge. When you are in combat, it's absolutely a pain to have to open up your inventory if you need to switch weapons or armor. Skyrim resolved this by creating the very popular "favorites menu" in which it allowed the player to quickly switch between weapons, spells, armor, etc., while staying in the action.
Fallout 4 could just copy and paste this system, or they could go with a traditional weapon toggle that is standard in first person shooters. Just give us a pre-determined amount of slots for weapons and allow us to switch between them in real time while fighting. Whichever system you prefer, it's absolutely crucial BGS has added this functionality to Fallout 4.
Do we know if BGS has spoken on this issue? Do you prefer one system over the other? Would you want something entirely different? Post your thoughts.