I have to say I found Sven singing to be pretty awesome... and now I feel shame... but I love the Khajiit voices even more

My least favorite voices are the dude that does the Arnold voice and the dude that does the voice for Balethor, all of their work should be scrapped because they are HORRIBLE for a TES game, really I hate having to hear them and the Arnold voice while funny perhaps if it was just an easter egg is highly annoying when nearly every single guard has it, and any voice like Balethor sticks out like a soar thumb and generally sounds bad, even just having silence and seeing the lips move without any noise is better than to listen to that.
Really I apologize to whoever did the voice for Balethor, it's not a bad voice for other games, it's just horrible for the mood of a TES game. His voice is more fitting for something like Fallout or an old western themed game or something like that.