Favourite (and worst) Race in oblivion

Post » Wed May 18, 2011 8:44 pm

So, for any reason whatsoever which is your favourite/worst race?

For me it has to be the redguard, suits my playing style of a quick agile assassin type character

Worst is without a doubt Khajit, hate them with a passion & attack them on sight.
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:18 am

I really, really don't like orcs, all the orc NPCs are rude and all of them seem to be warrior brutes. I will never play as one, and I suppose that suits my playing style, since I prefer stealth and magic to combat.

I quite like Breton, my first character was Breton and I have a soft spot for them. I think Khajiits are quite cute but I probably wouldn't play as one. I wouldn't play as Argonian either, I like human-looking characters, so Imperial, Redguard, Breton. Possibly Nord too, though I don't really like their faces, they look too rough.
Elves are ok too. I might play as a wood elf next time, I like how they're smaller than the rest, they look good for sneaking. Out of the three elven races I like dark elf the least, they have rude dispositions too, I've found.
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:52 am

My favorite race would have to be the Dunmer and my most hated race is the Redguard, idk I must have bad luck but all the redguard I talk to are dikes to me rofl well besides baurus
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 7:23 am

Bretons, I play as them a lot and they don't really act like dikes towards me ( except Ulrich Leland )
I hate High Elves the most, for a few reasons.
They are stuck up and to quote Owyn "Altmer, they act all high and mighty until you leave them in a pool of their own blood"
Also, my friends favourite race is High Elf and we have arguements over which race is better.
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Bitter End
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:50 am

I don't have a favorite. I can never decide jsut one. :shrug:

By "worst", I'm assuming you mean "least favorite"?

I really, really don't like orcs, all the orc NPCs are rude and all of them seem to be warrior brutes. I will never play as one, and I suppose that suits my playing style, since I prefer stealth and magic to combat.

...this. It's not so much that orcs are my least favorite, it's more the way they're portrayed in TES. I grew up playing D&D with the orc who lived in the forest, in an abandoned shelter or a cave along with goblins, kobolds, and such. Orcs are supposed to be brute, offensive beings, they're not supposed to run bookstores and wear finely-tailored clothing. Granted, I do have a laugh at some of the things orcs say in Oblivion, but I'd rather they be in their traditional place: in effect, always at the end of my blade or lightning bolt. I can't stand seeing them in towns, being mildly offensive at best.

Back in my D&D days, if somebody decided to play an orc, they were often shunned and/or tested by the rest of the party, because an orc could not be trusted. I think this friend of mine did play an orc for awhile who finally did become an ally to the party, but you have to understand that now this orc would have been seen as "civilized" whenever he encountered other LOTR style-orcs. Therefore, he always ran negatives against such creatures.

the same goes for lizardpeople as well. I'd rather see them in forests and swamps ONLY, bla bla bla...
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Jack Walker
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 9:12 am

Fav is a three way tie between Orc Altmer and Imperial. Orcs are big mean, and dont take crap. Altmer are intelligent and snobby with a very unique play style. Imperials are just cool and I love unique dialogue and the bartering skills.

Most hated is Bretons because everybody plays as them, they are not as overpowered as people think that they are, and I find them too conservative and generic. Tired of "CHECK OUT MY BRETON MAGE BUILD" threads. Also hate treehuggers because all treehuger NPCs are annoying.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 4:28 am

Fav is a three way tie between Orc Altmer and Imperial. Orcs are big mean, and dont take crap. Altmer are intelligent and snobby with a very unique play style. Imperials are just cool and I love unique dialogue and the bartering skills.

Most hated is Bretons because everybody plays as them, they are not as overpowered as people think that they are, and I find them too conservative and generic. Tired of "CHECK OUT MY BRETON MAGE BUILD" threads. Also hate treehuggers because all treehuger NPCs are annoying.

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kiss my weasel
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:36 am

Favorite: Argonian

I love Argonian's, my main character is always an Argonian assassin type character, although in Morrowind my main was an Imperial, which i consider to be my second favorite race followed up by Dunmer and Nords.

Least Favorite: Khajiit

I only played a Khajiit once, but that character didn't last long, i went back to my Argonian, i just can't get into playing a Khajiit when Argonian's are just so much cooler :P
the bottom of the list would have to be both Khajiit and Bosmer, whom i never play, EVER. all the other races are in between i like them enough that i make alternate characters using those races.
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Katie Pollard
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:35 pm

Fave = wood elf of course. :yes:
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:04 am

I find myself always playing as a Khajiit in any Elder Scrolls game. I don't care if they aren't great for every purpose. The fact that they're anthropomorphic felines is extremely appealing to me. I love felines, and love playing as anthropomorphic animals. I'm basically a svcker when it comes to all things involving felines. I like their gameplay side, but the fact that they are felines is the biggest reason I like them.

I don't really dislike any race. I just don't play as something that isn't a Khajiit often. Tried an Argonian once and liked playing as one, but I just can't see myself not playing as a cat if the game gives me the choice. I actually like Orcs and Bosmers, too. Bosmer NPCs tend to be funny to me.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 2:22 am

In contrast to many on here I really like Bosmer. I think most of the NCPs are great and some are hilarious. Some tend to be on the crazy side which always makes them interesting. When I play my own Wood Elf character though, he is one badass character. Laugh at that thought all you want, but you won't even know that it was a poison arrow that just went through your head before you die. HeeHee! In all seriousness though I find Bosmer lore some of the most interesting in the series and I like that their culture is peaceful and accepting of others (in contrast to most of the other races in Tamriel).

I really like all of the elven races though and the beast races are really cool too. The human races are more boring to me, but some of them have some great lore (the Redguards) and I like most of them. The Imperials rank the lowest for me just because I find them the most boring of all the races to roleplay, though I am starting to appreciate them more as I learn more about their Roman ties and lore.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:28 am

Fav is a three way tie between Orc Altmer and Imperial. Orcs are big mean, and dont take crap. Altmer are intelligent and snobby with a very unique play style. Imperials are just cool and I love unique dialogue and the bartering skills.

Most hated is Bretons because everybody plays as them, they are not as overpowered as people think that they are, and I find them too conservative and generic. Tired of "CHECK OUT MY BRETON MAGE BUILD" threads.

This. Bretons arn't even very great in my opinion, and they don't seem to have mjuch lore. I like orcs, high elves, woodelves alot. I also deon't like Argonians. Their voices are horrible and sound so... bad. They look ugly as hell, and there names just sound stupid.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 5:19 pm

Nord for the win! For one, I connect most with them as I am of German descent and they fit well with my appearance, attitude and love of the cold. Yes I look like a nord. But mostly something about Bruma was very serene for me and the male nords at least always seen relaxed and oblivious to what's going on, also they aren't all uppity and on your face. Needless to say I'm very excited for Skyrim.

My most hated race is that of the high elf, they are always jerks when I encounter them and also in vanilla oblivion they have a weird glow about them that makes them awful to look at. At least I get to kill the frequently as Bethesda made the the race for every boss character in the game.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:36 am

the orc is easily the worst race, they look bad and are only really good at one thing.

my fav is dark elf, you can use them for so many different builds and they are suited to most things
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:36 pm

Oblivion is racist. Almost every race is typecast and stereotyped lol. Orcs are big dumb brutes, Wood Elves are frantic,eccentric loonies. Khajit and Argonian are thieves, slaves or on skooma. And almost every imperial is n upstanding hero, disregarding non names npcs.
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Jason White
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:58 am

This. Bretons arn't even very great in my opinion, and they don't seem to have mjuch lore. I like orcs, high elves, woodelves alot. I also deon't like Argonians. Their voices are horrible and sound so... bad. They look ugly as hell, and there names just sound stupid.

You are also a target for the Bozzer dynasty.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 5:02 am

My least favorite is Argonian. Bosmers outclass them in stealth.

My favorite is probably Bretons, most human like in appearance. Special is Redguard, because of Owyn. "Look at you! Ha!ha!ha!ha!ha! My granny can beat you and she's dead!" and other funny quotes like that.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:45 am

Love wood elves and yes I'm embarrassed to say I have a soft spot for khajits. Nords and dark elves are pretty good too, but Nords ought to have beards.

Never got into orcs or lizards.

Don't like Altmers. More like petty elves than high elves. They don't seem elfish enough to me. Just seem like snobby short humans.
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sam smith
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 12:48 am

but I just can't see myself not playing as a cat if the game gives me the choice.

Best quote all day!

I like cats too but whenever I play a khajiit I feel like I'm in a puss in boots kids book. Seems funny to me.
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:27 pm

My favorite would have to be Khajiit, i always play as one, even in morrowind. I don't actually know why i like them so much :shrug:

My least favorite are high elves, they always seem snobby to me :glare:
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Catherine N
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:23 pm

Khajiit's night eye power really comes in handy for dungeons, and they have good speed boosts. But if I'm playing a mage character, I always do high elf and try to work around the magicka weaknesses. My least favorite would either be Orcs or wood elves. Orcs are just really ugly, don't leave a lot of room for character types aside from hammer-swinging warrior, and don't really have a lot of roleplaying potential for me. Bosmer have a useless power, and Khajiit or Argonians have way better stealth boosts than them.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 6:34 am

Favorite: Nord. Only race that seem to have a good excuse for a beard and I like their voice/ battle-crie or how Morrowind describes them, "... they cheerfully face battle with an ecstatic ferocity that shocks and appalls their enemies."
Least favourite: High Elves. I don't care for high and mighty, snobbish attitudes that put other people down just to make themselves look better. If they were truly superior, they wouldn't have qualms kindly helping others, rather than being conceited elitists about it.

You are also a target for the Bozzer dynasty.

Well now, you certainly don't seem to be helping the Breton's cause... :P
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 1:19 am

My favorite is the Dunmer, gotta love 'em.

Least favorite is the Orcs, they're just hideous.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 8:15 am

bosmer all belong in an insane asylum and the beast races are all ciminals, thats why i love 'em both ^_^

i hate altmer more then anything they are all sooo boreing and predictable. Sheogorath would do well to give them one of his blessings ;)
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Stephani Silva
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 9:44 pm

Dark Elves are a lot of fun to play and might be my favourite. I like balanced, multi-disciplined characters and Dunmer are really good for that. The fire resistance also helped a lot in Oblivion. Nords and Orcs are petty awesome two for a pure fighter.

My least favourite race to play is a toss up between Bosmer and Altmer. I don't really like the pure stealthy archer / thief / assassin or the pure magic archetypes all that much.
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