Police pistol- Strong base damage, bonus critical damage, easy to find ammo and easy to repair, and standard holdout weapon. Average spread for a pistol and standard crit rate.
.45 auto pistol- Strong damage, can be silenced and light weight. Large spread and ammo is bought or made only.
A Light Shining in Darkness- Powerful, good crit chance and lightest than any other handgun. Sightly above average spread and same ammo issue as above.
Automatic Rifle- Beastly DPS and DAM for an automatic weapon. Breaks down fast, expensive ammo and pathetically wide spread. (Power is everything option, basically)
.45 auto Submachinegun- Strong, and high rate of fire, sturdy for an automatic weapon. Ammo is an issue, and even modded, it has a wide spread.
That is the first half, the next half will be larger by far.