Favourite DLC weapons second half

Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:46 pm

Continuing form the last poll.

1 handed energy weapons.
Compliance Regulator- Long paralyzing effect, good critical chance, and easy to use and low spread. Poor damage.
Sonic emitter - Revelation- Paralysing effect, good use of ammo per shot. Pathetic range and slow rate of fire.
Sonic emitter - Gabriel's Bark- Powerful knockback effect, decent use of ammo. Pathetic range and slow rate of fire.
Sonic emitter - Opera Singer- bonus damage and limb bamage on crit, decent use of ammo. Pathetic range and slow rate of fire.
Sonic emitter - Tarantula- Ignites enemies on crit, and may autokill, stacks with pyromaniac, great use of ammo. Pathetic range and slow rate of fire.
Sonic emitter - Robo-Scorpion- Causes powerful explosion on crit, good use of ammo. Pathetic range and slow rate of fire, and can get caught in explosion easily.

2 handed energy weapons.
Holorifle- Increadible power per cell, Decent DOT effect, sturdy, night scope, and can be modded to increas all effectiveness. Hard to repair.
LAER- Good damage per cell, conserves ammo with mods, decent crit chance. Fragile weapon, and expensive to repair.
Elijah's advanced LAER- Good damage per cell, conserves ammo with mods, decent crit chance and high rate of fire. Terribly brittle, and even more expensive to repair.

Heavy weapons
K9000 cyberdog gun- custom ammo can be made, scoped (which is odd), small spread for an automatic, and high crit chance. Expensive to keep fed.
FIDO- Nutty DPS and good damage, custom ammo can be made, scoped, small spread for and automatic and a hight crit chance. Even more expensive to feed.
Elijah's jury-rigged Tesla cannon- No spread, Great damage, Good DPS, Good DOT and easy on ammo. Expensive as heck to repair, and will break down quick.

Bear trap fist- High limb and Crit damage, decent power, . Slightly poor item health, slow attack speed.
She's Embrace- High Crit chance, decent power, Great item health. Heavy, and slow on the attack.
Salt-Upon-Wounds' power fist- Powerful, good DOT, fast attack. Average item health.
Saturnite fist- Decent power, grand attack speed, fairly tough. No weaknesses.
Saturnite fist super-heated- Very powerful (especially with pyromaniac), fast attack speed, tough. No real weaknesses.

Cosmic knive series- Easy to use, High limb damage, can be made into other powerful weapons, sturdy for knives. Rather weak.
War club- Blinding fast attack speed, good health, cheap to repair. Poor DAM.
Protonic inversal axe- Fast, good DAM, good item HP. Expensive to repair.
X-2 antenna- Powerful DAM. Fragile, Slow attack speed, expensive to repair.

Hope you all have fun.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:03 am

Compliance Regulator - really nice when you get a critical

Holorifle - LAER breaks too often

FIDO - better than K9000, and I dislike Elijah's Jury-Rigged Tesla Cannon

Saturnite Fist Super-Heated - Super Fast and pretty powerful

Protonic Inversal Axe - Saved my life numerous times.
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Carolyne Bolt
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Post » Fri Sep 09, 2011 12:43 am

No offence but wouldn't it have been better to add the few little guns you had in the first poll into this one and just made one thread.

Anyway maybe I'm just weird but I don't really like any of the weapons you've got in this poll, I don't have Dead Money though so I can't say anything about the Holorifle. If I had to pick I'd probably say either the war club or one of the sonic emmiter variations.
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:25 pm

apex predator, maybe you just havn't experimented with the other weapons enough, give them a chance.

And i didn't realise that i forgot unarmed and melee weapons when i made the first poll.
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:40 pm

apex predator, maybe you just havn't experimented with the other weapons enough, give them a chance.

And i didn't realise that i forgot unarmed and melee weapons when i made the first poll.

I can attest to the fact that apex has, except for the DM ones. It's not impossible for someone to not like the weapons. :confused:
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m Gardner
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:21 pm

I'm sorry to be cynical, but I don't think another "Your Favorite Weapon" thread needs to be started, especially split into 2 threads. Try waiting for Lonesome Road, Gun Runner's Arsenal, and the Courier's Stash to come out before making another one of these.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:18 pm

I understand you viewpoint Intact Garden Gnome, But i see so many of these without actual polls, that it just seems like there is no closure.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:47 am

Sonic Emitter (all), great customization for classes

Elijahs LAER, close DAM to Holorifle, used to attack a powerful enemy, especially w/ mods

regular K9000, mods cheap ammo

Bear Trap Fist, unique concept, I enjoy it (would have chosen the gloves, if availible)

War Club, DPS in melee is very good.

yep :turtle:
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Auguste Bartholdi
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