1. They slaughtered tribals. Where did u learn they have ever faced a real enemy other then a loss to the NCR?????
2. Mean while NCR takes maybe the biggest state in the country while beating bos into holes and mopping up Enclave
3. Who s job was harder.
4. ohhhh I slaughtered 100 tribals 2 Enclave or bos are worth 100 tribles in lore. You guys need to check you head gear.
1. They have never faced an enemy as strong as NCR, I believe Caesar, Vulpes, Lanius and Lucius all state that.
2. And how much do we know about them taking out BOS except for Helios One? And mopping up Enclave is exactly what it sounds like, they mopped up the remains, the remains still had good gear but they were outnumbered by a swarm of enemies. In Vegas both NCR and Legion are swarms, but Legion is better trained and better equipped with far better loyalty and morale.
3. Legion's.

4. Erm:
Yknow, Cottonwood Cove, Nelson, Searchlight, Ranger Station Charlie, Monorail bombing, Khans alliance, WGS alliance, Omerta alliance, NCR's supply line tightened, NCtRooper morale sinking, NCR under equipped, NCR under trained, legionnaires having trained most of their life in the Legion, legionnaires proficient in both melee and guns, Centurions required to kill 100+ people to earn their ranks, legionnaires being fanatically loyal, Misfits ending slider, Vulpes, Caesar and Lanius being better commanders than Oliver, NCR barely able to get a hold of the Powder Ganger situation, NCR being enemy of just about everyone.

No matter how strong you may think NCR is because of the past the fact is that currently they are losing Vegas.
Legion don't really have to fight at the Dam at all, they could just sneak in troops from the north and south and corner the Dam and then starving the NCR out of it while taking over the rest of the Mojave.
Lore-wise, in 2281, in the Mojave, Legion are the top dogs and NCR are slowly losing.
Besides, the Centurions prove that Legion has also conquered the BOS before.
louie97, Ah, never mind. Too tired to think.

(5:20AM in Sweden.)
By the way, it's very easy to just pitch two groups against each other and say "GO!".
But what some of you seem to forget is that a lot of other variables need to be accounted for as well.
Things that are outside the box that we think of.
So saying stuff like "Well Legion attacks with machetes while NCR has guns!" is way too simplified.
We need to know what the area looks like, where are the holes in NCR's defense?
How supplied are they?
What gear does the legionnaires have?
Can some legionnaires flank them?
Can they climb up the side of a building the NCR is on?
Can they toss a grenade at a cliff and make part of it collapse on the NCR which are holed up against it?
And tons, TONS of more variables.
Like Searchlight, could any of us had though up that scheme on the spot here?
Or how about bombing the monorail?
Or how about holding Nelson solely for decreasing the morale of NCtRoopers?
So please, for any further "who is stronger" try to think of everything and not just going "12 legionnaires attack 12 troopers."