» Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:27 pm
I think the problem here is people are to railroaded in their NCR fanatacism. "NCR BRING TEH DEMOCRACY FTW!" and all that nonsense. The NCR is very powerful, but the Legion is just as, if not more so, powerful than the NCR, I mean, the life of a Legionare day in and day out is training, eat, sleep, training, eat, sleep. So when it comes to battle time, they are a foe to be feared, look at the Centurion, they have to kill ONE HUNDRED people just to earn that rank. And look at their armor, T-45d Pauldrons, Combat Armor piecings, Super Mutant armor? They arent some Johnny Come Lately who thinks they are bad ass, they ARE bad ass. Plus, Caesar uses the tactic of using waves in the order of weak, medium, tough, deadly. By the time the Deadly are brought out to the field, the enemy, NCR in this case, is quantessentially tired out and incapable of keeping their fists up. Without the Courier, either A. Benny would take over The Strip, or, more likely, B. Caesar will litter Hoover Dam with the bodies of the NCR, and march into Vegas, trying rigorously to invade Lucky 38. Where either House fails, or Benny will miraculously save Vegas by getting to the bunker at The Fort.