The Imperial Legion. Long live the Empire!
The Imperial Legion. Long live the Empire!
What factions? Never seen a faction in Skyrim.
I love it when he says that it makes me laugh so hard
Well for Skyrim the most interesting I thought was the DB. Too bad I seldom ever play an evil character.
Overall I said House Redoran. Working you way up the ranks, building a home and stronghold, hiring guards and having servants, etc. Those house factions in MW really made you feel like you were becoming part of the game world. The other MW factions would know who you were and react accordingly. Just loved it. Course they always played best if you were a Dunmer yourself.
Glory to the Dominion! Behold the superiority of Mer-folk!
Companions, and there should be a group for Khajiit, I'd join.
The 4 main factions were pretty lackluster. Thieves Guild was okay though, but I voted Legion.
I always agree with everything you say.
Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, House Redoran, even if they weren't fleshed out.
Actually it's 6 quests to become leader, and there are some side quests. But still it's pretty weak.
I wish we had the option to refuse to become the leader. it kinda svcke being the head of every faction.
I think the Thieves guild and DB are the best thought out factions. But are also the most annoying to playout. The Legion and Stormcloak are pretty much the same, except on different sides. Fight some battles, take some forts, win battle at the end. I voted for having a Khajiit group to join, it would be interesting to have a questline for them.
Khajiit faction. dedicated to stealing milk all across Tamriel.
College of Winterhold, Volkihar, Telvanni.
College of Winterhold and the Dawnguard. It should have been the Bards' College, but we all know how that turned out.
Bards College was such a joke that it would have been better if they had completely left it out. The state it's currently in, it just makes people angry.
I remember before all these updates came out, I was able to do around 20 missions before getting turned to a you know what. They were all side missions for varying people, but it was still cool, then after....i dunno which update it was, I suddenly had no choice but to beome leader instantly.