I won't vote (yet!)
I prefer the Dawnguard main story, but in theory, my favorite is the college, it should have been much more fleshed out.
Stormcloaks are the best but Dawnguard isn't far from them.
The Thieves guild is a GREAT story line as well. Same with the Dark brotherhood. Unfortunately im just not a fan of those guilds, even if they are good.
I voted other. I enjoy the Legion, the Companions and the Dawnguard equally.
The companions was the meakest of all the quest lines in the game. Go to Jorvaskar, do 4 missions, become leader. WTF?!
You forgot Bards college. Yes i know the questline is hilariously irrelevent of being a bard, GO TO THIS DUNGEON, FIND THIS INSTRUMENT...*finds instrument, tries to play instrument, is unable to play instrument*... wtf Bethesda.
Thanks for multi-vote. Now the Legion is back in the game.
I vote Dawnguard and Companions. Dawnguard since they hunt evil beings and The companions because... Farkas is a cool follower also Wuuthrad is an epic Battleaxe.
The Aldmeri Dominion is my favorite faction (not the Thalmor, but the ideal of an Elven empire) but in the lack of such I voted the Empire which I like because I'm a High Elf player and thus have no reason to care for the Stormcloaks. But Stormies are not bad people, as said by Ondolemar who summed up my feelings towards Stormcloaks: http://imageshack.us/a/img19/5787/ondoz.jpg They are just not "my" people so I'm not with them. My Nord characters (well, the two of them) are Stormcloaks though.
"some people say i'm not smart. They get my fist"