Favorite RPG: Fallout.
Favorite sandbox game: Saints Row 2.
It's lovely to see a game which doesn't give a flying [censored] about realism but instead just wants the player to [censored] around and have fun.
Been too long with realistic [censored] and gray boring setting, finally a franchise that bring back the FUN in video games.
Saints Row 1 was fun too but since this is my favorite sandbox game I'd say SR2.
So why is it my favorite "sandbox" game?
Because the only way I'm going to have fun in a big open world game is if there's [censored] to do in it.
And SR got a ton of [censored] around every corner.
GTA IV fails in being a good sandbox.
It has lovely graphics and very realistic gameplay. (I beat an NPC down to his last breath and as he squirmed on the ground I executed him with a pistol. The whole scenery was so grim and what I did was so disgusting that I just couldn't do it anymore, I did it once and could never do it again, sometimes "realism" is a bad thing.)
But it fails to be fun in the sandboxmap.
There's tons of environment but nothing to do around it except jack a car and drive over people.
GTA San Andreas/Vice City were also very, VERY fun games and I love them both, but due to SR's smooth gameplay it wins out over the stale gameplay of these older titles.
Oblivion, Fallout 3, Two Worlds Two, Risen.
Yeah they were fun games but Oblivion, again, had nothing to do in it except go down the same copy pasted dungeon over and over again.
Fallout 3 had a big gameworld but going through it became repetitive with the fights and unchallenging, since the only thing to do in the sandbox world is to kill stuff then when even that isn't joyful then it's a bad sandbox to me.
Two Worlds Two, I haven't played it a lot but it follows the same as Risen.
Risen is incredibly fun and very rewarding with it's crypts but the gameworld can still feel very empty with little to do except farm items and kill enemies.
Favorite multiplayer game: Left 4 Dead (1, not 2, 1.) and the old zombie servers on Counter Strike.
Left 4 Dead does what a multiplayer is meant to do well: teamwork.
Without teamwork you're screwed.
Simple as that.
The game design is incredibly fun and exciting and you really have to care about one another to make it through.
Zombie Server @ CS were also awesome, if a server housed 32 people then at bigger maps you get panic.
First everyone starts as human except one player who is a zombie, the zombies have ridiculous health pools and turns someone into a zombie in one hit.
What is exciting about this is to find a good location to defend from but to also have a good escape route.
Once a zombie do get in and turn someone then if everyone is cluttered up then the turned zombie can hit the next player which in turn hits the next.
You get paranoid of "Can we make it, is this a good location to defend, what if they come through both areas?"
And what's best is the thrill of being the last human survivor.
You start off with everyone else but then you get split up and escape and slowly on the scoreboard everybody else turns into zombies, and you know that at some point you're going to die too, yet, even though you know this you fight for your life to survive.
Awesome multiplayers.