Kind of a strange poll.

Anu and Padomay aren't really gods, they're concepts, they're everything that
Is and everything that
Is-Not, respectively. Sithis is also synonymous with Padomay, and it seems that the closest thing to an actual god the Dark Brotherhood worships, that they call Sithis, is actually Lorkhan.
And as far as the Good/Bad/Other categories, it doesn't really conform to anyone's general perspective. Even the Dunmer view some Daedra as Good Daedra and don't like the Nine, and it can't be an Imperial point of view because the Tribunal are there and Lorkhan is labeled as "bad."
Regardless, I voted for Vivec, Lorkhan, and Dagoth Ur.
If I had to lay down a top 10:
10. Boethia
9. Mephala
8. Meridia
7. Hermaeus Mora
6. Molag Bal
5. Hircine
4. Dagoth Ur
3. Clavicus Vile
2. Vivec
1. Lorkhan