Anyone else went down this path?
Pretty much stuck to my legendary Gauss Rifle, which fires an additional projectile, turns the game to easy-mode on Survival difficulty, but i'ts such a beast.
Favorites of mine are a 125 damage cryo boosted laser rifle, double shot combat rifle, double shot gauss rifle, and a fire rate boosted plasma gun. I primarily use the two double shots. The plasma is stronger than the combat rifle based off of pure damage (combat rifle around 188 if I remember correctly), but I don't use it very often since I want to save up a lot of ammo for it. The laser rifle is used against weak enemies that I don't mind using ammo on. I have the rifleman perk maxed out, as well as other combat related perks I'm probably forgetting about. Interestingly enough, the cryo damage from the laser rifle seems to scale with rifleman and is displayed as part of the 125 damage, since other laser rifles that I put the same parts on have less damage. I lean towards damage on all my guns and focus on sighted accuracy. I use improved long barrels on my laser and combat rifles and the best snipe rifle for my plasma gun, but I use all of them with reflex sights. The gauss rifle uses a sniper scope.
Where is this legendary gauss rifle? The Last Minute seems rather weak in my book.
Fallout Wikia needs to update
Dropped random for me from a Gunner. Maxes out at around 755 DMG, if I remember correctly, between 700-800 anyway.
Wait how are you guys getting like 100+ damage on certain guns....I max out the mods on say the sentinel plasma rifle and it's base damage is like 50 something.
Perks tally up the additional damage too, for instance my non-automatic perk is maxxed out, plus the countless magazines I've found.
I think I need to start bobble-head/magazine hunting.
It's mostly the rifleman perk. Or the equivalent for the gun you want to use. +100% damage. The damage stacks for any additional damage that you have from mods or special effects also.
As for the two shot Gauss Rifle, just a random drop. Railroad heavies and gunners use Gauss rifles so you might find one from them. I got mine from a legendary ghoul though.
My favorite gun so far is my custom Napalmer with 25 points of additional Bleeding damage affectionately named Blood and Fire. I often run out of ammo for it though, it's what I use when I'm backed into a corner and it has never failed me.
Gauss Rifle, all the way. It's not a gun, but I'm also a big fan of the Shishkebab.
Dude, you've got to upgrade it to a MIRV. At least once.
The Deliverer. It makes me feel like James Bond, and it's ridiculous once you upgrade it. I took down a legendary deathclaw with two clips from it.
I like the MIRV i would have more favorites but I feel like there aren't very many guns to like right now I have a combat rifle that has the recoil comp stock suppressor with a short ported barrel and a powerful automatic receiver i love that gun
I gotta say, though, the 10mm Pistol is pretty awesome in this game, especially after you upgrade it. I got a Lucky 10mm Pistol for my Doomgal character and the thing is a killer. sniper rifle for me, it just feels great to use & the impact on the enemy is just as lovely
I have the 44 snub from the start of the game doing 150ish damage with 4 points in gunslinger and the advanced receiver. Even the 10 millimeter pistols are doing 60+
I've just started putting points in rifleman and that is giving me about 100 points of damage with the assault and laser rifles
The Deliverer. Just the perfect tool of stealthy destruction. And combined with Pickman's Blade, its just a match made in heaven.
Besides that though, I am liking my custom Plasma Rifle, but I just wish I can find a good legendary one. I feel plasma weapons got shafted again in this game. Just lacks the amount of customization that lasers have, and the ones a plasma weapon has like the Plasma Thrower mod, is just laughably awful.
Gauss Rifle
.308 modded rifle
I miss my missile launcher though, so may switch that back into the fold
Silenced gauss rifle for the big bads, silenced .50cal for the rest, with the Deliverer for those tight corners and a silenced shotgun for when they get too close. Oh and ofc the Big Boy for the groups. Can't use the MIRV though, it expands much too close. I rather the range of the regular launcher