Favourite Mages guild hall?

Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:16 am

Inspired by talk of which city is your favourite, I was wondering which mages guild hall you all like the best, as they are all different inside. Also least favourite, if you want. I'm not counting the Arcane University as a guild hall, since you can't get into it until you've done the reccomendations.

I personally quite like Anvil, with the library on the middle floor and a pretty bedroom at the top, even though it's not very private. I quite like Chorrol's too, with the huge library, but I'm not so keen on the top floor.
I don't much like Leyawiin's guild hall, it seems too impersonal and the layout is a bit complicated, especially if you're trying to find a specific person.

So, thoughts?
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CSar L
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:55 am

Count me in for another vote to Anvil. It's Helena's favourite guild hall, and I think that's rubbed off on me somewhat. What more could you want after a long day researching than to go for a stroll on the beach before dinner?
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:30 pm

My avatar had tended to avoid Mage Guild halls since being named Arch-Mage. He's more than a bit embarrassed by the appointment you see. Oh, he fully realizes it was and remains political in nature. How can be be otherwise? He's no great magician. Almost any other guild member has to be more technically qualified for the post. Yet, advertising the 'Champion of Cyrodiil' and 'Divine Crusader' as one's leader has to be a rather large feather in any guild's cap. Be that as it may, he normally sets foot in a Mage Guild hall only at necessity, and then only so long as it takes to conduct business.

Cheydinhal is an exception. It's Mage Hall spacious basemant sports ample readily-available beds for both he and Vilja, all free of charge. (Their normal practice is to stay the night, assuming they own no property nearby, at local Fighters Guild halls.)

Leyawiin might be a runner up. There, Vilja sleeps in the Mage Hall basemant's sole bed while my avatar grabs one of two first-floor Fighters Guild Hall beds... an odd arrangement but largely unavoidable.

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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:10 pm

Not sure why but I like Skingrad
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Amy Smith
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:56 pm

Buffy's fave is Bravil, but that is purely for her guild mates that are there. Especially Kud-Ei, Ardaline and Delphine. She readily acknowledges that the guild itself there is rather humble, but she is much more into her friends than stuff.

As far as the facilities themselves, her preference would be Cheydinhal. She loves the upstairs intimate dining and sleeping area complete with fireplace. There are also plenty of beds in the guild that preclude the unwanted midnight surprises encountered sometimes at the Skingrad guild.

So, the blond Bosmeri Bravilian bowgirl voted for her hometown. :twirl:
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:38 pm

Though I live in Cheydinhal at the moment, I like going to Chorrol. Everyone is so cheerful.
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:44 am

I voted for Cheydinhal, but that's strictly post-Falcar. Deetsan makes it a much more friendly place.

Bruma's a nice warm place if that's what you need, but not very welcoming.

Chorrol's a bit short of beds, as are many of the others. Anvil almost got my vote for having a pet, but I'm not sure how well trained he is.
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:21 pm

I picked Bruma Mages Guild first because let′s face it, it′s Lothran′s home guild. But as I read again and thought again, I changed it to Chorrol MG. I really like the layout of it with the fine library and dining hall on the second floor. Also it has a fine basemant
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:19 am

Bruma was the first recommendation quest I completed, and for some reason I just have an attachment to it. Pity it got blown up, why couldn't they destroy the Cheydinhal one or something?
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Christine Pane
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:11 am

Bruma was the first recommendation quest I completed, and for some reason I just have an attachment to it. Pity it got blown up, why couldn't they destroy the Cheydinhal one or something?

Anymore, I permanently stop progress through the MG just prior to the Bruma tragedy. It also prevents the later tragedies that would otherwise occur. My character will never be Arch Mage material, so there is no loss.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:02 am

My character will never be Arch Mage material, so there is no loss.

Lothran second to this. The only one he leads is himself
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Markie Mark
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:04 am

Chorrol. The library upstairs is nice and spacious.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 7:55 am

It has to be Chorrol for this Breton mage. Being the Master of the Fighter's Guild and Arch-mage is an honor to be sure and the Chorrol Guild Hall has a lot of room, sets a nice table for meals and has almost everything a mage could want. The Fighter's Guild next door has a good place to sleep and an office from which to do the FG business. It also has that great warrior, artist and mentor, Modryn Oreyn who keeps her humble by the way he regularly brushes her off and how he gives her that sly wink when he says..."Maaster." She knows she was a part of his plan and they're both ok with that but never talk about it.

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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:27 pm

I picked Lleyawin. I liked the arrangement of the benches and the various study areas upstairs.
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 9:45 pm

I picked Lleyawin. I liked the arrangement of the benches and the various study areas upstairs.

Is that the one with dagail as the head. Anyway my fave is the one where the city has the skooma den.
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:06 pm

Chorrol is always the best. At least the mages there keep regular business hours, except for that dude that recharges stuff. In most of the other guild halls the Alchemists seem to sleep until noon or disappear at times. Even after playing the game for years, it is still frustrating to try to remember all their schedules. After one of my characters became Arch Mage, she set out to fire most of them. Well, that didn’t work out too well for her either. Anyway, Chorrol has the nicest layout.
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Melis Hristina
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Post » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:30 pm

I was about to vote Bruma (because it's nice and cozy) but then all the comments reminded me of the wonderful library area in Chorrol.
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