My first playthrough trying to find GNR for the first time. For some reason I thought I had to follow the triangles on my map which led me down through Greyditch. Ended up doing Those! at far too low a level. Made sure I saved it after killing each of the Ant guards it was such an accomplishment.
The path I continued to follow led me past Hubris Comics and a bunch of other places I can't remember now. I remember cruising through the metro tunnels encountering my first ghouls, trying to find my way through DB above ground and finally giving up on that.
By the time I made it to GNR I felt like I had really accomplished something. Now I know the quick ways to get there but that first attempt to find the place will always stick with me. This was my first FO game and I really got into all the details in the gameworld, was great fun

LOL I found all sorts of places around GNR but never actually made it to the building. This was so frustrating and the metro tunnels were so confusing. Then I finally used my LOCAL map and I had no problem getting there.
I think one of my favorite memories includes meeting Three Dog! He's such a vibrant character and I admire how he continues to "fight the good fight"!
The first moments in Vault 101, when you interact with Dad, are such sweet memories as well. Yea, I'm a Daddy's Girl

Oh yea, stepping out of Vault 101 and laying eyes on the wastes before me, that's definitely a memorable experience. I couldn't wait to explore it all... then a feral dog attacked me and my .10mm was out of bullets and all I had was a baseball bat and I wished to be back in the safety of the vault... LOLOL I headed east out of the vault and found a broken down truck with ammo AND a Mr. Gutsy, who shot lasers at me and I beat him down with my baseball bat, it took a while and I almost died, well I did die once, so I learned to save my game often. But I finally beat him down and was now the proud owner of a mostly damaged Assault Rifle and I looted a bunch of Ammo. Then I went further east, found a broken barn and a chinese assault rifle. Then I realized I was completely lost and tried to find Springvale... instead I came across Arefu. Yea, I was way out there. LOL
I only realized on my 2nd character how close Megaton is actually to Vault 101 LOL
Ghouls, OMG don't get me started on those creatures. Well, my first character had a negative reaction to Gob, to say the least hahahaha I called him a Zombie Freak! But imagine my "pants crapping fear" when I met a FERAL one for the first time. I hate zombies... I hate the Dunwich Building and OMFG I hate Point Lookout! That's where I met a Ghoul REAVER for the first time...
Sorry, got carried away. This whole game is just so amazing and it sparks my imagination like no other!