These could be little gameplay additions from previous games, or random easter eggs/interesting locations/items placed around the world. I love the smaller details Bethesda include in their worlds, and Fallout 4 seems to be continuing the tradition in a great way. I love the little touches they include in random locations to add some untold story or just to add some depth to even the most basic location.
Some random details I've uncovered already in my short 4 hours of gameplay:
- In the bank vault in Lexington there is the remains of a Bonnie/Clyde esque bank heist that seems to be interrupted by the bombs going off. There is a skeleton lying across the blown out wall and waiting below is the skeleton of the driver waiting to escape with the pre-war cash. There are duffle bags surrounding the area of all the cash she had evidently thrown down. I absolutely fkn loved this detail and think it's my favourite random discovery so far.
- In some random house, there was a skeleton in the bathtub surrounded by manikins each holding machetes. I honestly didn't know what to make of this so I just took one of the machetes and left.
- I like that we can zoom in on the Pipboy to make it more readable on smaller TVs