» Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:51 pm
- The 'eloquent' speech of the noble orc - one of the best moments in t his game;
- that rude khajiit from the dark brotherhood, has some of the best:
"... The Tenets prevent me from killing you..."
"... You again? I thought I'd made it clear I'm not looking for a friend..."
"... Foul-smelling ape..."
And after all that animosity and ill-will, after some time you've been working for the DB, he has the gutts to tell you:
"... So let's start over, shall we? I know from now on, you and I are going to be great *friends*..."
Reminded me of the best thing I saw in Morrowind, which is all that negative attitude and harsh voice towards you ("Bothersome creature", "Stop bothering me", etc...)