First off, Welcome to BGSF.
You have to be insane to actually come here.. Have a! And some on them too!
Anyway, for my favorite quotes, hmm, let's see;
"There's a rumor that you're an idiot. Any truth to that?" - Owyn
"Dear brother, I don't spread rumors, I create them" - Lucien Lechance
"..By the way, would you happen to know what the fine for necrophilia is in Cyrodiil?" - Flaanu Hlaalu
Anything by Sheogorath.
Anything by Mankar Camoran.
Anything by Valen Dreth.
Anything by Ma'iq the Liar.
Anything by Lord Rugdumph.
Anything by Uriel Septim.
I know, a
huge list, but I honestly like em all.

That shouldn't stop anyone else going into specifics though, and stating exact individual quotes from them.