[quote="Urmarcht"]I think that no robot can beat the yellow smart missile boss from D1 (infamous Level 7).
How many of us tried to hide in the entry corridor yelling "let me out! let me out!"?
How many of us tried to vulcan down that red homing missile bot on the right of the center column (the one all the way over there)?
How many of us screamed like a girl when trying to hide in one of the tunnels in that center column?
How many of us finally got rid of the boss after 300 Save Game, one for each time we hit the boss?
How many of us screamed/roared victoriously for 10 minutes non stop when the boss actually exploded?
How many of us couldn't find their way to that exit, which resulted in more yelling?
And finally
How many of us played that level another 300 times just to show that boss "who's the boss" without ever getting a full revenge satisfaction?
I am telling you, no robot beats bosses and no boss beats the yellow boss.
I will always humbly bow to the yellow boss in respect.
Respect to you, yellow boss.[/quote
Nah, still thing the cyclops boss is better