» Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:39 am
I am making a presumption about Skyrim.... but Alteration, because of the utility that it brings, the concept of altering the world around you, and the new cool looking shield + late game perks (I presume the absorption is late game).
I like the concept of illusion, but find it lacking in game (judging from Oblivion). Fear/Rally were pointless, I see no gains in simply delaying a fight that will happen. Invisibility/Chameleon is cool, but outside of a few sneak quests falls in the same group as above. Paralyze was kick ass, but I believe it is now in Alteration... And so on.
Destruction seems far better now that magic has different forms, and may turn into the one I prefer. But my experience in Oblivion where it seemed bland is holding me back.
Likewise for Restoration. Healz! And that is it...
Conjuration was cool, but I always felt I was putting the game onto auto or something since I just stood there and watched the fighting.
EDIT: Oh, I was so hoping for cooler conjuration perks! Like:
1) 30% of damage dealt to you is passed on to your summon
2) Once summoned, you can continue to cast the spell to transfer your magical power to your minion
3) If you re-cast the same summon as is already in existence, it is dismissed and a portion of its cost is used to replenish your mana
I guess summoning 2 guys is cool... But still :/