» Sat May 28, 2011 2:31 pm
Voted for Ceiling Spikes/Spike Pit, Gas Trap, and Spiked Barrier.
-The ceiling spikes and spike pits are easy to avoid, but sometimes I'll get caught in one and it's fun to run to the edge as quickly as possible to try to avoid getting killed.
-The gas trap is terrifying as any character but an argonian. I love being an argonian and finding these traps. "Oh, is something trying to kill me? Oh, how adorable. You get an A for effort."
-The spiked barrier is fun and it makes me think of Tomb Raider.
Some other good ones include:
Avalanche/Cave-in - Because then I get to say my favorite phrase ever, "Rocks fall, everyone dies."
Claw Trap - Okay, so it's never managed to kill or even seriously harm my character, but man it is so bizarre. It always reminds me of an actual clawed hand of some giant creature buried beneath the Deadlands, trying to get out.
Land Mine - Just because. Yeah.
But I don't like:
Swinging/Falling Blades - If there was just one at a time, they'd be cool. But I am way too impatient to go through like, four at a time.
Citadel Spikes - Just pathetic. You're not even trying, are you?
Crumbling Bridge - I like to navigate dungeons by always following the leftmost border. This always messes me up.
Finally, if I were living in a dungeon and had to pick a trigger to use to activate traps and keep intruders at bay, I'd go with a tripwire. Y'know, I wouldn't even attach it to anything. I'd just wait for them to trip over it and then I'd point and laugh. I would not make a very good marauder.