» Sat May 28, 2011 7:49 pm
Swinging Logs/Maces. I cant recall how many times I have been splattered by these things because I wasnt paying enough attention. Watching hostiles wander into them is fun as well.
Darts. See above.
Ceiling Spikes. I don't think I've ever bought it off of these, but I love watching the dumb as a bag of hammers AI wander into them, Spiked Pits too.
Gas Trap. I like these, and I also hate them. While they occasionally catch me off guard, usually while I'm trying to elude something, sometimes they get a poison immune or resistant mob in them and then the walls just pound up and down over and over and over. That's pretty irritating.
Dark Welkynd. They hurt bad, no matter your level. Sadly, they ignore everyone and everything but you. That really, really irritates me.
I also like the Pyramid Log traps, you can usually drop them on top of things if you're sneaky.
All of this with FCOM, so OOO's deadly trap settings, most of them will one shot you at low-mid levels.
Ones I don't like:
Crumbling Bridge. With all the crap wandering around these dungeons, my stealthy Kahjit is the first thing that's stepped on this particular section of bridge in a couple of thousand years? Riiiight.
Same for Swinging Blades and Spike Barriers, why the hell am I the only one that can set these off?
I don't like the Flame Turrets in Oblivion for the same reason. 25 Reavers having a party right in front of it? Yeah it's going to ignore them and zero in on me a half a click away, hiding behind a rock.
Daedric Mines are just an annoyance, but it is fun to shoot one from a distance and watch the shrapnel set off others.
The other two primary Oblivion Traps, the Falling Blade and Falling Claw are all right, and they are set off by everybody, so that's a plus. I never understood the Corpse Grinder (elevator), why the hell would they put those spikes there? It's just nonsensical.