
Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:49 am

Okay so, set it out like I am about too. :)

Race: Imperial (own Cyrodil, heroic fighters)

Playstyle: Warrior

Heavy Armour set: Orcish

Light Aromour set: Glass

Weapons: Glass warhammer and longsword

Shield: my enchanted orchish or spell breaker

Spell: Paralyze

Town: Chorrol and Bruma

Area (region): Colovian Highlands

Inn: Grey Mare

Quest: Shadow over hackdirt

Enemy: Marauders or Bandits
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Nicholas C
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:07 pm

I played almost exclusively Dunmer characters until recently, so many of my answers are based on those experiences.

Race: Dunmer ( rapidly changing to Bosmer )

Playstyle: Stealthy Archer/Mage

Heavy Armour set: None

Light Aromour set: Elven ( except for that God awful helmet )

Weapons: Elven Bow

Shield: Used to be the Escutcheon of Chorrol ( prefer no shield at all now )

Spell: Detect Life

Town: Chorrol and Imperial City

Area (region): Colovian Highlands and The Great Forest

Inn: The Oak & Crosier

Quest: Through a Nightmare, Darkly

Enemy: Goblins
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:12 am

Race: Wood Elf
Playstyle: Archer/Mage
Heavy Armour set: Ebony
Light Aromour set: Glass (+ retextured red Glass)
Weapons: Custom-enchanted Ebony bow, Ruin's Edge, Shadowhunt, Ebony Blade
Shield: Don't really use shields
Spell: Invisibility
Town: Chorrol, Anvil, Cheydinhal, Leyawiin or Skingrad, depending on my character
Area (region): the Great Forest/the West Weald/Blackwood
Inn: Inn of Ill Omen
Quest: Whodunit?
Enemy: Vampires
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:56 am

Race: Bosmer.

Playstyle: Mystic Archer.

Heavy Armour set: None. Can't even lift it, much less wear it!

Light Aromour set: Greaves and boots of buckskin and any of a variety of normal blouses. I know, not really armor I guess.

Weapons: Self-enchanted bow (Grummite until level 20, then Daedric)

Shield: None

Spell: No way to pick one. Must provide a short list: Detect life, all the mind control spells, drain speed, weakness to poison. Oh, invisibility and summons also.

Town: Bravil and Kvatch I guess, but they are all wonderful!

Area (region): It's all just too beautiful to choose! Argh! How about any area that has a waterfall?

Inn: Any that are just a little classy and have a big fireplace. The Oak and Crosier in Chorrol is just one of several examples. Some place to enjoy a goblet of Tamika's without getting hit on by drunks.

Quest: Ones that we make up ourselves. Of the in game ones, 'Caught in the Hunt' is well done.

Enemy: Any of the foul humanoid ones like bandits, necrodudes, conjurors, marauders and such.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:54 am

Race: Bosmer

Player style: Up close and melee coupled with some magic

Heavy Armor Set: Dwarven

Light Armor Set: Elven

Weapons: Ebony, Silver

Shield: Escheuton (spell check for my horrible spelling) of Chorrol

Spell: Any destruction spell with 100 area

Town: Chorrol and Anvil

Area: Nibenay

Inn: Drunken Dragon

Quest: I really enjoyed the Lost at Birth questline

Enemy: Trolls. <3
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Jeffrey Lawson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:18 am

Race: Imperial
Playstyle: Archer/Assassin
Heavy Armour set: Ebony and Dwarven
Light Armour set: Elven
Weapons: Umbra, Evony Blade and Madness Bow
Shield: Spell Breaker
Spell: Lightning
Town: Cheydinhal and Bruma
Area (region): Shivering Isles
Inn: No one in special
Quest: Shrine Quests
Enemy: Liches and Skelentons
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Floor Punch
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:44 am

Race: Breton
Playstyle: Support Mage (i.e. a Spellsword without the Destruction)
Heavy Armor set: Ebony
Light Armor set: Mithril
Weapons: Elven Longsword, Daedric Shortsword
Shield: Spell Breaker
Spell: Summon Storm Atronach
Town: Chorrol
Area (region): The Great Forest
Inn: Olav's Tap and Tack, The Oak and Crosier
Quest: The final one in the KotN questline (forgot what it's called)
Enemy: Atronachs
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:04 am

Race: Bosmer
Playstyle: All of them
Heavy Armour set: Iron
Light Armour set: Elven
Weapons: Elven Bow
Shield: Orcish
Spell: Heal Minor Wounds
Town: Bravil
Area (region): Nibenay Valley
Inn: Wawnet Inn
Quest: The Collector
Enemy: Undead
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:13 am

Arianya, her name
Bosmer, Sign of the Atronach
Level 30 maxed
Green Robe Hood, fortify magicka 50
Heinrich's best shirt, shock shield 25
Heinrich's best pants, fortify magicka 50
Doeskin Shoes, fortify magicka 50
Wrist Irons, spell absorption 20 points

Perfect Amber Bow: Soul Trap, Fire, Shock and Light
Ebony dagger: Absorb Magicka 50 on strike
Destruction and Illusion Magic
Town: Cheydinhal
Area: Shivering Isles
Inn: Drunken Dragon or West Weald Inn
Quest: Helping Sickly Bernice
Enemy: Mended Flesh Atronachs

edit: oh yeah, spell
Soul Trap 4 seconds
Paralyze 3 seconds
Fire Damage 27 for 3 seconds
Frost Damage18 for 3 seconds
Shock Damage 18 for 3 seconds
all weaknesses and magic at 100% for 3 seconds
Light in 10 feet for 3 seconds
All on touch
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:24 pm

Race: Argonian

Playstyle: Mage with Sword

Heavy Armour set: Daedric

Light Aromour set: Divine Crusader Armor

Weapons: Elven Longsword, Umbra

Shield: Daedric Shield, Divine Crusader Shield

Spell: Any high damage shock spell, Drain Fatigue 100

Town: Imperial City, Anvil

Area (region): Jeral Mountains

Inn: Inn of Il omen

Quest: Whodunnit?, The Purification, Defense of Bruma, Paradise

Enemy: Dremora, Mehrunes Dagon
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:16 pm

Race: Redguard

Playstyle: Crusader - Sword-and-Shield/Heavy Armor/Restoration

Heavy Armour set: Dwarven

Light Aromour set: Elven

Weapons: Goldbrand

Shield: Spell Breaker

Spell: Soul Trap

Town: Skingrad

Area (region): Colovian Highlands

Inn: Roxey Inn

Quest: Whodunnit?

Enemy: Non-caster Dremora
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:11 pm

Race: Argonian

Playstyle: Battlemage?

Heavy Armour set: Ebony

Light Aromour set: Mithril

Weapons: Dawnfang/Duskfang

Shield: Shield spells

Spell: Stark Reality

Town: Cheydinhal

Area (region): West Weald

Inn: Newlands Lodge

Quest: Through a Nightmare, Darkly

Enemy: Spider Daedra
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:46 pm

Race: Argonians (they're just incredibly cool) :)

Playstyle: Mystic Archer, predominantly stealthy

Heavy Armour set: Ebony

Light Armour set: Leather

Weapons: Glass bow and Daedric dagger

Shield: None

Spell: Weakness to Poison

Town: Bravil

Area (region): The Gold Coast

Inn: Gottshaw Inn

Quest: Next of Kin

Enemy: Undead
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:35 am

Race: NORD!!

Playstyle: Warrior with a little magic but not enough to be a battlemage, I describe it as a cross between a paladin and a WoW deathknight

Heavy Armour set: Madness

Light Aromour set: Amber with light daedric

Weapons: Dragonsword of Lainlyn (I forget its name) from DLC, madness bow, amber shortsword

Shield: Lord Kelvyn's Bulwark

Spell: Absorb health/magicka

Town: Anvil and Bruma

Area (region): Around Kvatch

Inn: The Bloated Float

Quest: this is tough... I cant think of a favorite right now

Enemy: Vampires
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Kortknee Bell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:34 am

race high elf

class pure mage

birth sign atrnoch

armor noble clothes

weapon mages staff

city anvil

region gold coast
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:40 am

Race: Altmer

Playstyle: Mage

Armor, Weapons: none

Shield: Escutcheon of Chorrol

Spell: Command

Town: No particular preference

Area: Anywhere that's wild and dangerous

Inn: Aleswell

Quest: I like several. The three-part Jemane Brothers quest is good.

Enemy: Necromancers and Conjurers
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:49 am

Race: Imperial and Nord

Playstyle: Warrior-mage/Crusader

Heavy Armour set: Steel and Ebony. Orcish is a good number 3.

Light Aromour set: Leather with sack clothes pants, green robe hood, leather bracers and no shield.

Weapons: Custom enchanted ebony warhammer called Guardians Might and Blackwater blade

Shield: Any that fit my current armor and weaponry

Spell: Restore Health

Town: Bruma and Imperial City

Area (region): Jerall Montains

Inn: Olav's Tap and Tack

Quest: Azura's daedric quest

Enemy: Dremora Valkynaz(melee version)
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Wayland Neace
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:39 pm

Race: Imperial (own Cyrodil, heroic fighters)

Playstyle: Warrior

Heavy Armour set: Orcish

Light Aromour set: Glass

Weapons: Glass bow and arrows

Shield: Blade's Shield

Spell: Nighteye type spells

Town: Chorrol and Leyawiin

Area (region): Blackwood

Inn: Aleswell Inn

Quest: Separated and Birth (and rest of the chain)

Enemy: Daedra
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:21 am

When reading the responses I got confused. Should I display what I like best or the character I have?
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:43 pm

When reading the responses I got confused. Should I display what I like best or the character I have?

Tell us what Lothran likes, silly! :wave:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:14 am

When reading the responses I got confused. Should I display what I like best or the character I have?

Tell us what Lothran likes, silly! :wave:

Crud, I need to redo mine.

Edit: Now these are Rosalind's favorites, as opposed to mine.

Race: Altmer
Playstyle: Stab, heal, run away.
Heavy Armour set: None
Light Armour set: None
Weapons: Silver dagger
Shield: None
Spell: Absorb Health
Town: Anvil
Area (region): Black Marsh
Inn: Silverhome on the Water
Quest: Wisdom of the Ages
Enemy: Ghosts
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:12 pm

Crud, I need to redo mine.

Oh noes! I don't know the right answer. I was simply asking mirocu to tell us what Lothran likes. In the case of what I listed up in my response, I simply typed in what my elf told me to as far as her preferences. :foodndrink:
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Naomi Lastname
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:17 pm

Tell us what Lothran likes, silly! :wave:

Darn it. I figured at some point maybe even my thoughts would count :laugh:
Oh, well. Here′s his preferences then:

Race: Dunmer

Playstyle: Adventurer/Explorer

Heavy Armor set: None

Light Armor set: Leather greaves, boots and gauntlets along with Saviour′s Hide and mithril helmet. Except when in Bruma, then it′s fur all the way. Everything enchanted

Weapons: It varies as Lothran gets bored using the same things, but his Dark Dagger is with him every step of the way.
It has saved his life in fact

Shield: Enchanted Light Iron

Spell: So many, but his most valuable is of course his custom healing spell. It comes with a slogan; "If you′re not even alive, why bother with anything else?"

Town: Bruma and Bravil

Area: Pale Pass

Inn: Olav′s Tap and Tack. No question. At all. Ever.

Quest: The Forgotten Chests of Pale Pass

Enemies: Undead and necromancers. Or as Acadian calls them; necrodudes :biggrin:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:04 pm

Since my favorite character is always the latest one, here's what she thinks:

Race: Nord - Hidy Heidi is a Nord among Nords (H-cup) and a natural blonde whose Intelligence never seems to rise.
Playstyle: Try to sneak, fail, and apply claymore
Heavy Armour set: None - it's all too tight in the chest, but she's getting a custom set made.
Light Armour set: None - ditto
Weapons: Self-enchanted Fine Steel Claymore (Damage Health + Soul Trap)
Shield: None
Spell: Restore Health (needed without the armor!)
Town: Bruma
Area (region): Jerral Mountains
Inn: Olaf's Tap and Tack
Quest: Forgotten Chests of Pale Pass (not including her own of course)
Enemy: Will-o-the-wisp
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sally coker
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:32 am

ghastley? your favourite enemy is will-o-the-wisp are you ill dude? :P
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Marcia Renton
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