» Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:39 pm
Just had to toss my two cents in here, because after all... I actually -have- two cents to toss.
That's a nice change of pace.
Right: So, Fawksies... is he a he? Is he a she? Is she a he?
Who cares? He/she/it is a Super Mutant... and as was stated previously, Super Mutants have been described as 'losing their sixual distinction during the transformation process' by Fallout 3's lore. Not necessarily ALL Super Muties did... I believe they did say, somewhere, that West Coasters don't... but that could be a mistake.
Even saying that, however... Bethesda has a habit of saying whatever is a 'convenient' answer at the time... and I really don't think the -voice actor- usually gets much of a say in what his role is, either. Not usually, anyhow. So neither of those sources are what I care to consider being 'solid'.
So yeah. Fawkes may -well- have been a woman. Fawkes may well have been a dude.
Fawkes could have been a three-legged dog with an eye patch, for all I care.
What matters is that NOW... Fawkes is Fawkes... Super Mutant Laser Wielding Anti-Slaver-Raider-Enclave-Rabid Dog-Radscorpion-Abomination-of-Science Extraordinaire!