This is a mesh replacer: 009 - Optimised Distant Land MAX-15278.7z (59C4AF31)
You do not want your little mesh/texture replacers installed before the UOPs. This may just be me, but it is easier to identify categories with the labels at the front instead of at the end...
029 - Kafeis Better Amulet Replacer-4126.7z (4F9E1B7A) <-- This contains meshes
030 - Kafeis Better Ring Replacer-4107.7z (4CBE7B70) <-- This contains meshes
031 - Enhanced Vegetation - High Res Textures-23783.7z (68E73E25) <-- I have this in Aesthetic overhauls as it is not a replacer (does not overwrite original files.)
032 - LowPoly Grass for SI-5434.7z (2B8D5B3F) <-- This contains meshes
033 - Real Wood Road Signs-2542.7z (9FF09A61) <-- This contains meshes?
Edit: From the Installing Mods page...
14. Texture Replacers
* Content: textures (some also contain new meshes or plugins)
Edit: more sort suggestions...
064 - Natural Faces-1965.7z (B8029D49) <-- move this to the first spot in your cosmetic mods section
These are not considered texture replacers...AWLS certainly is not a texture replacer. Did you see that it was in a different section in my package list?
057 - Animated Window Lighting System - Meshes-19628.7z (0359CC44) <-- City & World aesthetics
058 - AWLS - Brumbek Mixed Textures-19628.7z (F5840FE4) <-- place after AWLS
060 - Elven Map for Shivering Isles-16640.7z (5CBAE31E) <-- UI mods
061 - Elven Map Redux-3002.7z (9895E18B) <-- UI mod
062 - Enhanced Water HD for SI-17345.7z (6707581C) <-- City & World aesthetics
063 - Enhanced Water-8011.7z (022A9337) <-- City & World aesthetics