I really appreciate these replies Corepc, thank you.
- Tomlong75210
Edit: ...still a little confused about mass AI.
The bash settings max is 50 which is what OOO uses , MMM max is 40.. MMMforOOO/FCOM is 50, actors loaded in cells and active,
and max npc allowed during combat are 30 for MMM and 40 for MMMforOOO/FCOM.
MassAI plugin has a plugin for up to 100..But you got have one hell of a computer once again to run that ..
The bash tweak raises the limit on the number of actors allowed during combat, right? Does it also raise the cap on the other setting to 50, which does not actually help MMMforOOO, OOO or FCOM? I did not look closely enough at the MassAI plugin to see exactly which settings it changes. Does OOO also have a limit of 40 for the latter? ...no wonder the fish plugins kill some people's performance, haha.