[relz] Fcom Convergence and UFCOM [relz]

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:13 pm

Yeah im just gonna mess with it until it either works or breaks my game. I had the esp loaded, but i didnt see any of the swords, so i am gonna try some more stuff.
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AnDres MeZa
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:24 pm

Yeah im just gonna mess with it until it either works or breaks my game. I had the esp loaded, but i didnt see any of the swords, so i am gonna try some more stuff.

Turambar, I do not know what you have tried up until now, but please post your load order here so that the FCOM guys can give you some structured advice. There is no reason for FCOM to break your game, and it will be easier for people to help you if they know what you are working with. These guys know FCOM and its components inside out, so you should be able to ask and receive definite answers without doing too much experimentation, as far as the configuration and installation is concerned.

I think I'm off for a while, hope all goes well!
- Tomlong75210

Edit: wording
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:39 pm

nah, I'm not really gonna bother these folks for wanting to break off a chunk of their mod compilation and use it the way i want to. Seems unreasonable, to be told that doing something a certain way will not work, then do it that way anyway, and then demand assistance.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:51 pm

nah, I'm not really gonna bother these folks for wanting to break off a chunk of their mod compilation and use it the way i want to. Seems unreasonable, to be told that doing something a certain way will not work, then do it that way anyway, and then demand assistance.

I am not saying that you can take out any of the vital parts, but, rather, you could strip your FCOM installation down to the essentials, no WarCry, no Bob's, etc. Install Fran, MMM, OOO, FCOM Convergence, and any of the other few required FCOM plugins. That's it, probably less than 15 plugins.

http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcomloadorder.html <-- You can drop Bob's and WarCry, which makes this...17 required plugins, including the bashed path, and that is only if you choose the Fran SI option, actually you could drop the Named Bosses plugin for Fran too.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:49 pm

actually i dug around through the plugins and found a FCOM_OscurosOverhaul that seems to be geared towards playing without MMM, which is exactly what I am doing. My game is stable and I'm noticing lots of Frans items around, I just wish there were a way to test and see if the realswords made it back into the game.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:58 pm

actually i dug around through the plugins and found a FCOM_OscurosOverhaul that seems to be geared towards playing without MMM, which is exactly what I am doing. My game is stable and I'm noticing lots of Frans items around, I just wish there were a way to test and see if the realswords made it back into the game.

Check Wrye Bash to make sure that plugin does not require FCOM_Convergece. Just look for the red box in Wrye Bash.
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Connie Thomas
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:58 pm

There's numerous ways to configure the mod to your own specifications, even running Frans Creatures instead of Mart's.
I tried that scenario once a long time ago and to be honest the game didn't feel like FCOM any longer.
My suggestion would be OOO and MMM as your core mods.
Using the FCOM Convergence esm and esp you can add any mixture of the supported mods.

In reality everything revolves around the big two, although without WarCry you'll miss some great additions, especially on the undead creatures and some excellent unique item sets.
Frans also offers some great loot through the named bosses.
If you do your own configuration and run into issues, re-post including your mod listing and I'll try and help you through your setup.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:27 am

I don't use FCOM, but I have a minor question: where did you get the Ogre Skeleton resources from? There a cool idea.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:28 am

If you do your own configuration and run into issues, re-post including your mod listing and I'll try and help you through it.

I might, but if I do, I have about 20 BOSS errors i need to fix before i go about asking for help from anybody. I don't have any creature mods because I don't really like any of the creatures I see that use custom models. I'm not using any of Frans creatures either. Just OOO, and then Frans and Arma and Artifacts to add extra items and armors and weapons. (And all of my other mods, that make things pretty, add in a few things here and there, etc)
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:19 pm

FCOM team is need your assitance in get some testing done.

UFCOM BSA and Oblivion Warcry.bsa

Initial report.

Install went smooth. I use BAIN exclusivity so was easy task. I did have to restructure Warcry's folder but worked good. Uninstalled and installed with new BSA's. Game loaded so we are good so far. God I love BASH!!

Question is....Where should I go to test this out? Please don't say Vilverin(I tested here alot)..is there some place I can go that might be new?...lol

Edit: spelling
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:53 pm

I might, but if I do, I have about 20 BOSS errors i need to fix before i go about asking for help from anybody. I don't have any creature mods because I don't really like any of the creatures I see that use custom models. I'm not using any of Frans creatures either. Just OOO, and then Frans and Arma and Artifacts to add extra items and armors and weapons. (And all of my other mods, that make things pretty, add in a few things here and there, etc)

Your probably best to just use OOO and then add in your preferred mods.
I can't see the point of using Convergence if you only want Oscuro's. Just about any mixture of mods will work very well with OOO.
There's stand alone versions of Armamentarium, Loth's Blunts, RealSwords etc that don't require FCOM.
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El Goose
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:46 am

Initial report.

Install went smooth. I use BAIN exclusivity so was easy task. I did have to restructure Warcry's folder but worked good. Uninstalled and installed with new BSA's. Game loaded so we are good so far. God I love BASH!!

Question is....Where should I go to test this out? Please don't say Villerian(I tested here alot)..is there some place I can go that might be new?...lol

Uh, Vilverin. :banghead:
Honestly, it's the best testing area in the entire game if you want to make sure any new resource files work as intended.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:52 am

I've downloaded the new .bsas... I've yet to uninstall the old resources, but I expect I'll get around to that sometime tonight or later this week :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:55 pm

Uh, Vilverin. :banghead:
Honestly, it's the best testing area in the entire game if you want to make sure any new resource files work as intended.

as the new BSA's were for Convergence and Warcry I thought there MIGHT be some other one...lol...OK off to vil...ughh
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:16 pm

Your probably best to just use OOO and then add in your preferred mods.
I can't see the point of using Convergence if you only want Oscuro's. Just about any mixture of mods will work very well with OOO.
There's stand alone versions of Armamentarium, Loth's Blunts, RealSwords etc that don't require FCOM.

Yeah, but the RealSwords standalone ones are unbalanced (too powerful, too light, too expensive), and aren't put into levelled lists, but are instead stuck on most members of their respective races. RealSwords undead doesnt exist standalone, and RealSwords Goblin, Nord, and Breton come with weird NPCs and locations that I really don't like. That's why I'd prefer to just use the FCOM package of RealSwords, since it seems to have all the benefits of the good racial weapon variety and none of the problems.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:05 pm

As I currently don't own a rig capable of running a modded Oblivion I feel it's only right to step aside until that capability returns.
I'll go play Morrowind for a while - hey, perhaps even some Daggerfall too. :)
Most questions I could probably answer through experience with the mod, but as to others I could be guessing.
Apart from a couple of patches, some suggestions to fellow modders and general spokesman I've been perhaps a figurehead for the mod until the hopeful return of dev_akm to the Oblivion modding scene.
The real hero's are the FCOM Team currently working on, supporting, developing and updating the mod.
There's just too many of you to mention individually :woot:
A huge thanks to you all.
Kudos. :celebration:

:wave: :bolt:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:01 pm

Thanks for all the help Shikishima. Enjoy MW :jammasterjay:
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lisa nuttall
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:31 am

actually i dug around through the plugins and found a FCOM_OscurosOverhaul that seems to be geared towards playing without MMM, which is exactly what I am doing. My game is stable and I'm noticing lots of Frans items around, I just wish there were a way to test and see if the realswords made it back into the game.

I haven't used your FCOM set up, but with OOO/MMM/WarCry/Armamentarium they turn up fine, but once in a while rather than often, which seems appropriate. I guess they should turn up in the 300_Test.esp, but I've actually never used it so not much help with that.

As I currently don't own a rig capable of running a modded Oblivion I feel it's only right to step aside until that capability returns.
I'll go play Morrowind for a while - hey, perhaps even some Daggerfall too. :)
Most questions I could probably answer through experience with the mod, but as to others I could be guessing.
Apart from a couple of patches, some suggestions to fellow modders and general spokesman I've been perhaps a figurehead for the mod until the hopeful return of dev_akm to the Oblivion modding scene.
The real hero's are the FCOM Team currently working on, supporting, developing and updating the mod.
There's just too many of you to mention individually :woot:
A huge thanks to you all.
Kudos. :celebration:

:wave: :bolt:

Morrowind is awesome and even more so now, with MGE, god rays and what not. At the same time I hope you can get a new rig so you can return to the Entropic Order. :toughninja:

Kudos indeed. You've been such a massive help here for so long that even a huge thanks sounds a bit insufficient. Anyway, sk?l! :foodndrink:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:58 pm

come back soon mate :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:20 pm

New thread is up, please use that have to leave to for work..

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Laura Ellaby
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