I have two questions. First:
It looks like there are many more MMM plugins than referenced here ( http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/fcomloadorderexpanded.html ). Should I not install any mod not mentioned there?
In Tomlong75210's walkthrough he mentions naming .bsa files as, for example, "DLCShiveringIsles - MMM.bsa". Is this okay or should i name it with the FCOM_Convergence method?
FCOM HOme Page is outdated once again.
Read First Page and UFCOM Section
Nearly all of the MMM 3.7b3 Plugin will work with UFCOM. There is only a handful that you should not use with FCOM and those are these in particular
MMM Gems and Gems Dust
MMM Diverse Guard Armor
MMM Diverse Runeskull Loot G&GD
Use FCOM Named Plugins aka FCOM Knights use that instead MMM Knights or MMMforOOO Knights etc..
Use FCOM Spawn Rates Plugins when possible, expect in case of MMM Spawn Rate Reduced Reduced or Vanilla.
Some of the MMM 3.7b3 No XXX Plugin's will work with UFCOM, if you have a problem with one of the FCOM No XXX then try one of the MMM one Instead.
Best to name MMM.bsa - FCOM_Convergence_Mart's Monster Mod.bsa if you do not plan on switching between MMM config once again.