» Fri May 27, 2011 12:35 am
Mmkay, I have a question, although I think I already know the answer... I'd like to double-check, just to make sure.
I recently restarted a new game with FCOM(And the new, updated MMM), and I entered Vilverin... Would anyone be willing to give me a breakdown of what a level 1 character should expect to see? I know the first couple of levels should be relatively easy, up until the Specters, but... Are you 'supposed' to run into two Staada, a Cyrrus the Destroyer, and two Corpsefires before the Specters...?
Basically, it went like this. I got in there, the first level seemed as it should, with Outlaws and Vilverin Thugs almost exclusively. I get to the second level, where the Undead start reigning, and I find a Staada, a Ghostly Apparition, some Boneflayers, and a Skeletal Mage in one room. So, somehow I manage to kill them off (I forgot to mention the Staada have no weapon. And the only times I have ever encountered them have been at the beginning levels.) and move on. The next area, that miniature hallway with four gates (Two on each side, I believe...) and the end of the hallway with two Iron Arrows sitting below a pillar with a Welkynd Stone at the top. In one of those four gates, there was a Cyrrus the Destroyer. He, too, was weaponless. In another, it was Corpsefire with two or three Boneflayers. I TGM and finish them. (At this point I want to check the rest of the dungeon.) So I continue on and run into yet another Staada... This isn't considered 'normal', is it?
The most common factor I can see in all of this is that I believe these monsters to be related with Warcry. They most definitely are not for a level one character, though. So should I use the FCOM_Warcry_Nospawn.esp for the time being? And are these issues being looked into for the next FCOM release? Most of the encountered Warcry monsters seem much stronger than they should be for their level. For example, running into a Fallen One Shaman at level one is an almost guaranteed trip to the menu screen. I'm considering using the warcry_nospawn.esp, but I love a lot of the monsters added into the game with Warcry, so... Is there any other option?