#1 Fear for Skyrim?

Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:35 pm

Dragons at the very beginning of the game, even if you didn't start the main questline yet.

Runner up: Weapons & armours do not get damaged at all.

Dragons won′t be there from the start (you don′t get to know that you are "dragonborn" until after a while) and There is a smithing/armorer skill, so I think your major worries are "crossed over"
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Andrea P
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:53 am

My number 1 fear of Skyrim is this forum. So much bashing, negativity, spoil-bratness, idioticy, arrogance and ignorance it's enough to put the developers to shame and especially fans like me. Skyrim is gonna be bigger and better than 90% of the games out right now and it's gonna be awesome and epic, yet nobody likes to say it is.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:39 am

that's my new fear. scaling in Oblivion destroyed everything!

Oh hey, look, I'm fighting bandits with Glass armor and an army of Dremora generals!

Not to mention that if you're not a power gamer, the game gets really really hard as you level. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE MORE POWERFUL WHEN YOU GAIN LEVELS.

Couldn′t agree any more, I would like all enemies to have set armours and rare armour/weapons like glass, dwarwen, deadric, elven (ayleid) should be RELICS, that ONLY you (maybe also making less difference between different light/heavy armour could help, because you sheold be able to get a specific "look" for your character, I liked leather way better than any glass or Ayleid armour, for example. Making Armor skills more important than the armour itself) and wealthy mages/evil lords should be able to get their hands on!

Levelling should only affect the skills of the enemy and you should get a lead of let′s say 2-5% each time you level.

Oh, and some variety is wonderfull. You know massacring a band of bandits, and fighting for your life against a powerfull monster/giant/dragon, bacause in Oblivion I faced only one opponet who was "different" and that was Mankar Camoran.
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:39 am

Sooo, you're afraid that the devs will throw a fit in response to criticism? Wow. That's dumb.

Criticism is a means of improving the game.

Blindly pretending to love everything the devs throw at you is just plain fanboism.

I'm not pretending to love everything about Skyrim. I'm waiting until I play the game to pass judgement.

If I was developing a game and the community kept on going on about how I'm ruining the RPG aspects and making assumptions with no fact to back them up, I would not care. Why would I spend my time creating a game that a bunch of people are already complaining about before they have even played it. They can go be ungrateful somewhere else and go make their own games.

There is a difference between criticism and just plain whining.

Also, the people complaining often compare to Morrowind and other games. They are being just as much of a really devoted fan then the people who refuse to believe it's bad.
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rolanda h
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:29 am

I have a number of fears about Skyrim, but biggest of all is:

Dumbing down.
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Raymond J. Ramirez
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:48 pm

My number 1 fear of Skyrim is this forum. So much bashing, negativity, spoil-bratness, idioticy, arrogance and ignorance it's enough to put the developers to shame and especially fans like me. Skyrim is gonna be bigger and better than 90% of the games out right now and it's gonna be awesome and epic, yet nobody likes to say it is.

While I agree there's a lot of hating and ignorance, you also come off as someone who thinks he knows better than others. Yes Skyrim has the potential to be very goods, but you gotta understand from where some fears come. A lot were disappointed by Oblivion, which is something people who got into the series since that game can't understand. We think of all that is missing, but those who came to play Morrowind after Oblivion think it's outdated and not as polished as Oblivion, they're just used to something more accessible and polished and pretty, rather than something more complex and deeper, more satisfying in the end. We are just afraid that Bethesda works too much on the package rather than what's inside it, as cool as the package can be. I read a lot of cool things, but they don't weight all that much for me to find Skyrim a great experience, I'll just have to play it. And "better than 90% for the games out right now" doesn't say much considering most of those are crap.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:05 am

The game freezing/ poor framerate
Please dont be another fallout bugfest
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:17 am

my biggest fear for skyrim is the lack of things you will be able to do i hope they stay more twards oblivion wit hthe numbers of endless quest side quest and leveling
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:36 pm

that its pure awesomeness will blind me and i wont be able to play it

i now have this fear
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:06 am

My fear is blocking will be weird when dual wielding
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Joie Perez
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:10 am

my fear is chuck norris showing up and kill dragonborn :ohmy:
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:24 am

Only one fear: that dragon encounters will be as common as wolf encounters in the wilderness, since I like playing pacifist travelling merchant types, and therefore I will die.

How awesome the rest of the game sounds easily overrides this fear though, and it won't stop me buying the game. I'll get over it.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:31 am

My number 1 fear of Skyrim is this forum. So much bashing, negativity, spoil-bratness, idioticy, arrogance and ignorance it's enough to put the developers to shame and especially fans like me. Skyrim is gonna be bigger and better than 90% of the games out right now and it's gonna be awesome and epic, yet nobody likes to say it is.

Don't feel too sorry for the developers. Pressure and high expectations all comes with success, and that's just something they're going to have to live with. Many people consider previous TES games among their favourite games of all time, so of course people are going to react badly to changes they perceive to be negative. The developers can't just throw around terms like 'streamlining' and 'accessibility' constantly and expect no backlash. Those words set alarm bells off for a lot of fans. They also shouldn't expect there to be no backlash when they make changes to the series that are obviously going to disappoint fans.

They seem pretty sure of the changes they've made and have laughed off the dumbing down remarks... so that leaves two options. They can carry on making the game, not pay any attention to the negativity, and hope people are pleasantly surprised upon release; or, if they're so confident that the concerns are laughable, they can put a lot of the negativity to rest by reassuring fans once and for all - perhaps by explaining in detail how certain features of the game work (like the new stats / perk system).
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casey macmillan
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:44 pm

My biggest fear is that the quests will have actual time locks (you have to do x before a certain time or else y will/won't happen). Also, even though Skyrim is shaping up to be an awesome game, I fear that after a while, there just won't be anything worth doing anymore, like leveling up so high that all the challenge is gone.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:38 am

My biggest fear is that it will be really expencive. cuz i usually get it for my PS3 and laptop, cuz ones at my moms house and ones at both houses, but if its way to expensive i cant.
If i hadnt seen the screenshots it wudve been ugly women.
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:59 am

If you can't block with a 1h weapon, I will not buy the game, and I will tell everybody I know not to buy the game.

It would be utter crap to not be able to block. I understand much less effective blocking, faster weapon breakage, random weapon breakage, active blocking, or just the inability to block missile attacks, but I absolutely will never understand no blocking ability.

you do realize it means you cant block with a 1 handed weapon because each of your characters hands are controled by a different button. but sill bethesda have not said you cant block with a one handed weapon this is just a concern people have for the game.
plus this is an elder scroplls game if you will not play one of the greatest games o ever exist because you get over dramaic about little meanigless [censored] thatyour massive flaw not the games. Never and i mean never call a TES game [censored] or I willfind you and carefully remove youreye without damaging the optic nerve so you can watch yourself die while straggle you. [censored]!
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sally coker
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:22 am

i now have this fear

me 2.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:43 am

I say for shame to people whos biggest fear will be "there's going to be bugs!" There are going to be plenty of them.
My #1 concern would be the Archery combat would be dumbed down, but from what I've seen, that isn't going to happen.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:14 am

My biggest fear about Skyrim is that the guards will be Nazis who won't let you get away with ANYTHING anymore , and that would ruin the game

I read that no theft will go unpunished , and that if you rob/kill a store owner their family will take over the shop but resent you forever

Now you see that concerns me cause does that mean even thefts nobody saw me committ will be held against me and I could steal stuff in an empty house and then the guards burst the door down like the SWAT team?

Does that mean if I assassinate a shop owner with 0 witnesses , that his family will somehow really freaking know it was me?

:sadvaultboy: I sure hope not.............
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sunny lovett
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:32 am

you do realize it means you cant block with a 1 handed weapon because each of your characters hands are controled by a different button. but sill bethesda have not said you cant block with a one handed weapon this is just a concern people have for the game.
plus this is an elder scroplls game if you will not play one of the greatest games o ever exist because you get over dramaic about little meanigless [censored] thatyour massive flaw not the games. Never and i mean never call a TES game [censored] or I willfind you and carefully remove youreye without damaging the optic nerve so you can watch yourself die while straggle you. [censored]!

i saw it on the Q&A on the forums that you can still block with a 1h weapon. and i agree, that guy really overreacted. elder scrolls are the best games ever. and thats just the way it is.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:21 am

Oh and one more - unharmable children annoying the hell out of me and shouting insults making me mad
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:24 am

I worry about being able to enter every building. Please let me go inside all buildings in the game.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:06 am

My biggest fear for me is the leveling situation. I don't remember if it was confirmed or not, but maybe the AI in most areas can stay a level behind and some always stay a level head or something. And then just make areas where they are a few levels lower/higher.

Also the frame rate / lag issues that I get in Oblivion and I don't know why ha.
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Lizbeth Ruiz
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:59 am

My biggest concerns have already been confirmed. Too much of the game world that interested me is being twisted or cut out. Character development and creation has been relegated to cartoonish buffoonery.

My next one is whether or not any of the terrible cuts and "streamlining" can be modded out.

Seriously. what are you talking about !?!
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:19 am

My biggest fear is that romance will be poorly done AND forced upon you. One or the other I don't mind (although I'd prefer the opposite of both to be true), but these two together don't bear thinking about.
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