» Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:57 pm
My only fears for the 360 is lagg and Call Of Duty-minded players, other than that, no - no worries at all for me
Lagg is sometimes frustrating and annoying, but in small doses - fine, I can handle it, but if it's gonna lagg so much your shots will register 10 seconds after firing or that you suddently warp back and forth only to die from an unknown source of damage, then one better pray there will be some better connections out there
Call of Duty-minded players who go lone wolf and/or only use the abilities to their own needs is something I also fear, how fun is it knowing the guy next to you is a Medic but heals himself instead of reviving you? How fun is it knowing you're helping him when he aint giving a rat's piece of [censored] about you? No, that is not fun - I got more interested in this game for the teamwork and the classes after I saw the parkour cinematic trailer, and I damn well expect people to co-operate with eachother!
The voice-chat is disbabled as default, to talk to someone you'll either have to invite them to your fireteam or XBOXLIVE party, it's somewhat nice - but if they did this right you all in all don't need to talk to people while playing BRINK, you character, the commander and the objective-wheel will handle it all for you
Gears of War 3 will probably take away some players, me included - but if BRINK is the big [censored] I expect and think it is I will probably switch between them, and if Gears 3 will be very similiar to what it is now in the BETA I most likely will switch to BRINK now and then