Hrm..surviving the trip there depends on what other mods you have loaded ...going there early to get spells won't really matter becuase you won't be able to use many of the spells anyways due to requirements and then the costs of the spells is fairly high as well....I think the location is prettyy decent to be honest... its good to see "extras" in SI....I went there at approx level 10 and I can only use 5 - 1st circle spells and 2 - 2nd circle spells...seems appropriate. You won't be disappointed with the mod...its a keeper in my load Order anyways.
I will assume that it means that i can get back to Cyrodill and continue with the quests and such, good.

And yeah from what i read i knew i would have to level quit a bit first, i just was not sure if i could get back to Cyrodill once i would go to SI for those spells. And good to know that i will not be disappointed, thank you webrunner.