» Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:50 pm
Hell, it's been a staple in Dungeons and Dragons for years. Of course, most of they time they just mimic you and do nothing real, but if one explains it as having a [shadow] tag, it can in fact have almost full effect on everyone, barring instances of someone making their will save, in which case they take much less damage from the spells. General effect of having a [shadow] tag on the spell is that you can mimic many damaging spells, dealing about 80% of the normal damage to things, unless they realize it's fake stuff formed from the plane of shadow, in which case they take like 20% at most.
Big dream spell(for me anyway) would be a spell that lets you steal other people's spells, which not only removes it from them, but you gain it.
It's a throw back to both a mod for Morrowind which has a spell series that does that, and a spell in one 3ed book called Book Of Vile Darkness, it's a high level spell called Mindraep(to not trigger any censers) which allows you to seriously mess with peoples minds, make any edits you want, steal memories, tons of mean things.
Another hit in my books would be a series of spells that are beyond evil, they are outright satanic to the point that even Dagon wouldn't use them often, which have big effects on your foes, but pervert your body mind and soul when you use them(such as Apocalypse From The Sky, which deals massive amounts of damage to everything in a huge radius(like ten miles per caster level in the spell description), which you have to prepare before hand to use, and preparing it damages all your stats, and every day you go without casting the spell deals more damage, and you cam only prepare it once at a time), or spell that require you to be suffering from various diseases to use them(but they are also quite evil), etc etc.