» Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:12 pm
Personally I think its an awsome mod so far, and soon enough it could stand toe to toe with Midas magic, but I have two constructive complaints about it.
First off, The system that gives the spells to enemies. It's too broad. Pretty much anything that has magicka is able to use the spells, regardless of how intelligent it is. You see everything from bandits, dremora, even unintelligent creatures like swamp gas- er, I mean Will 'o the Wisps, Scamps, etc. using them. Everyone, their brother, their sister, mother, father, cousin, nephew, and their pet dog and the cat it ate has these spells. And quite frankly this can get VERY annoying quite fast. Not to mention its just doesn't make much sense (Fire atronarchs using telekentic bursts?! Spriggians using fire blasts?!)
Personally I'd recommend at the very least restricting it to NPCs, and leaving creatures out of the equation altogether. (Well, I suppose you could make an exception for Xivilai, Liches, and imps to a small degree though even imps is pushing it.) And perhaps, (at the very least, include an optional module to) just abandon giving non player actors these spells altogether, as it seems to cause more problems than it's really worth. CTDs, Bugs (the time stop bug for example, on mine they can't even use Magic Missiles or Acid arrows because it freezes in the air constantly), and not to mention that NPCs are utterly retarded when it comes to using spells (I often get killed by my own teammates casting fire storm than I do by the enemies.)
2ndly, I'd take the Teleport spell out of the circle system. Out of all the spells, that's pretty much the only one you'll use to any degree outside of combat. And having it limited (let alone having it on the 2nd circle) really downplays its usefulness, not to mention the usefulness of everything else in that circle. I personally modified my own esp to make it so you could cast 999 circle 2 spells just for this reason.
My personal thoughts.