[RELz], [WIP] Fearsome Magicka

Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:51 am

Any future plans of putting someone who sells/teaches the spells in an area more accessible area to low levels?

By the time i reach shivering isles, I'll probably be high level.
It would be nice for a starting character to have access to the spells, especially if they want to play a D&D style mage with their one magic missile spell to start =)
A lower level will only be able to cast a few of the spells before they have to rest anyway. Why make the spells inaccessible?

You can go to the shivering isles at any level. You can go right now, get to the main city (New Sheoth), buy the spells, then never come back to SI.

However, yes, he is going to give another NPC the spells and maybe some quests to get them. For now, just that one guy in SI though.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:53 am

You can go to the shivering isles at any level. You can go right now, get to the main city (New Sheoth), buy the spells, then never come back to SI.

However, yes, he is going to give another NPC the spells and maybe some quests to get them. For now, just that one guy in SI though.

For a lvl 1 the gatekeeper can be tough :whisper: I even like it better at higher levels because it can be more of a challenge.

I met a imp with MM, i died... Many times until i just figured that i should probably just sneak by it :P It was an epic encounter though, first time i had the spells used at myself. :goodjob:
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:08 am

I've just uploaded a patch to version 0.13, it's a hotfix for the 'switching camera bug'(present when enemy spellcasters used FireStorm or Aura of Fear spells). A big patch is on it's way... :)

@Aoikani: Hmm, I think that in next patch I'll implement some more support for 'pure mages'.

@:satanicmoogle: Point taken ;)

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Heather Dawson
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:43 pm

Thanks for the patch!
Next one sounds like it'll be pretty cool as well.

Had my first big wizards fight a few days back!
Undead, fireballs, acid arrows, magic missiles, and more chaos all around you.
Absolutely great!
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John N
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:57 pm

Has anybody seen the NPCs use the "undead rise" spell yet? Bruce said it looked cool, but I've yet to see it. I still want to see it!
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:37 am

Has anybody seen the NPCs use the "undead rise" spell yet? Bruce said it looked cool, but I've yet to see it. I still want to see it!

Well, I did fight a horde of necromancers, no such luck yet though.:)
Would indeed be lovely.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:09 pm

So. Bruce, care to spoil us on what the next set of spells will be, even just with names and not descriptions?
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:34 pm

I'm thinking about making 'Raise Undead' spell available for PC, other new spells are Chromatic Orb and Eneor's Breeze. Some other spells might also come with the new version.

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Jerry Cox
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:34 pm

Important information:

when you are installing Screen Effects, you are also placing obge v1 in OBSE/plugins directory. Many of you are also using obge v2(included in Oblivion Graphics Extender). Unfortunatelly those two are incompatible with each other and shouldn't be used at the same time. Solution? Screen Effects will work just fine with obge v2, so it's best to remove obge v1(only if you have obge v2 installed).

Update on my current work:
It seems that I'll have to change a few things in enemy spellcasters AI. In fact that is what I'm working on right now. Another thing to do is adding possibility to change various aspects of this mod(e.g. which spells NPC's can use). I'll try to make it ready in a few days.

Btw, thank you for all the endorsemants this mod has received, and for your votes in the File of the Month competition on TesNexus. It is cetainly motivating :foodndrink:

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Lady Shocka
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:37 am

Important information:

when you are installing Screen Effects, you are also placing obge v1 in OBSE/plugins directory. Many of you are also using obge v2(included in Oblivion Graphics Extender). Unfortunatelly those two are incompatible with each other and shouldn't be used at the same time. Solution? Screen Effects will work just fine with obge v2, so it's best to remove obge v1(only if you have obge v2 installed).

Update on my current work:
It seems that I'll have to change a few things in enemy spellcasters AI. In fact that is what I'm working on right now. Another thing to do is adding possibility to change various aspects of this mod(e.g. which spells NPC's can use). I'll try to make it ready in a few days.

Btw, thank you for all the endorsemants this mod has received, and for your votes in the File of the Month competition on TesNexus. It is cetainly motivating :D


Good to hear!
Looking forward to it.:)

On Screen Effects and OBGEv2: they do work fine together, but there is a complication.
When you're using the (recommended) Support Plugin, with which you can easily switch the different shaders on and off, the savegame will not remember which ones you had previously turned on when you load the game.
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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:39 am

Some weird conflicts caused by FM.

- weight would go from 200/469 to 200k/469 making me unable to move.
- casting spell is an instant CTD (while it worked before).

Not sure what is causing it, but can not be bothered to test all possible solutions (got all the required files/mods).

Mod of the month though..
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:12 pm

Personally I think its an awsome mod so far, and soon enough it could stand toe to toe with Midas magic, but I have two constructive complaints about it.

First off, The system that gives the spells to enemies. It's too broad. Pretty much anything that has magicka is able to use the spells, regardless of how intelligent it is. You see everything from bandits, dremora, even unintelligent creatures like swamp gas- er, I mean Will 'o the Wisps, Scamps, etc. using them. Everyone, their brother, their sister, mother, father, cousin, nephew, and their pet dog and the cat it ate has these spells. And quite frankly this can get VERY annoying quite fast. Not to mention its just doesn't make much sense (Fire atronarchs using telekentic bursts?! Spriggians using fire blasts?!)

Personally I'd recommend at the very least restricting it to NPCs, and leaving creatures out of the equation altogether. (Well, I suppose you could make an exception for Xivilai, Liches, and imps to a small degree though even imps is pushing it.) And perhaps, (at the very least, include an optional module to) just abandon giving non player actors these spells altogether, as it seems to cause more problems than it's really worth. CTDs, Bugs (the time stop bug for example, on mine they can't even use Magic Missiles or Acid arrows because it freezes in the air constantly), and not to mention that NPCs are utterly retarded when it comes to using spells (I often get killed by my own teammates casting fire storm than I do by the enemies.)

2ndly, I'd take the Teleport spell out of the circle system. Out of all the spells, that's pretty much the only one you'll use to any degree outside of combat. And having it limited (let alone having it on the 2nd circle) really downplays its usefulness, not to mention the usefulness of everything else in that circle. I personally modified my own esp to make it so you could cast 999 circle 2 spells just for this reason.

My personal thoughts.
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Toby Green
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 8:37 pm

Come on people, keep voting this mod for file of the month on Tesnexus, it needs only 2 more votes to get in the first position :D
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:36 pm

Come on people, keep voting this mod for file of the month on Tesnexus, it needs only 2 more votes to get in the first position :D

Make that one.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 1:53 pm

Ok, I've just uploaded a patch to version 0.14, changelog:
- fixed a problem with shader related with 'Aura of Fear' spell;
- fixed a problem with the 'Time Stop' spell(which was making some players unable to cast spells after this spell was cast by a NPC or creature);
- altered NPC's & creatures spellcasting AI;
- fixed some problems with the 'Veil of Darkness' spell;

The 'big' patch is still on it's way ;)

Oh, and you don't have to install all patches, patch 0.14 can be installed on any other Fearsome Magicka version.

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Kara Payne
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:29 pm

This looks great, judging by the trailer. Does anyone mind posting a short video about some of the spells which weren't featured in the trailer? I'd like to see some of the more interesting spells.

I also have question regarding the requirements. Why does it require Shivering Isles patch, Screen Effects, and Pluggy? I've read about some "unwanted side-effects" about Pluggy. Also, what is ALGOHOL?

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Suzy Santana
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:55 pm

Personally I think its an awsome mod so far, and soon enough it could stand toe to toe with Midas magic, but I have two constructive complaints about it.

First off, The system that gives the spells to enemies. It's too broad. Pretty much anything that has magicka is able to use the spells, regardless of how intelligent it is. You see everything from bandits, dremora, even unintelligent creatures like swamp gas- er, I mean Will 'o the Wisps, Scamps, etc. using them. Everyone, their brother, their sister, mother, father, cousin, nephew, and their pet dog and the cat it ate has these spells. And quite frankly this can get VERY annoying quite fast. Not to mention its just doesn't make much sense (Fire atronarchs using telekentic bursts?! Spriggians using fire blasts?!)

Personally I'd recommend at the very least restricting it to NPCs, and leaving creatures out of the equation altogether. (Well, I suppose you could make an exception for Xivilai, Liches, and imps to a small degree though even imps is pushing it.) And perhaps, (at the very least, include an optional module to) just abandon giving non player actors these spells altogether, as it seems to cause more problems than it's really worth. CTDs, Bugs (the time stop bug for example, on mine they can't even use Magic Missiles or Acid arrows because it freezes in the air constantly), and not to mention that NPCs are utterly retarded when it comes to using spells (I often get killed by my own teammates casting fire storm than I do by the enemies.)

2ndly, I'd take the Teleport spell out of the circle system. Out of all the spells, that's pretty much the only one you'll use to any degree outside of combat. And having it limited (let alone having it on the 2nd circle) really downplays its usefulness, not to mention the usefulness of everything else in that circle. I personally modified my own esp to make it so you could cast 999 circle 2 spells just for this reason.

My personal thoughts.

Very nice ideas. I agree with both of those...well I'm not so sure about taking teleport out of the circle system completely, but maybe put it on first circle. I still say the whole system is too restrictive though. Even at high levels, you can't cast 1st circle spells as much as a high level person needs to. I think they should probably be doubled or almost tripled for the 1-3 circles. Perhaps increase the amount you can cast 4th and 5th circle spells too, but I am not sure how much.
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:09 pm

Very nice ideas. I agree with both of those...well I'm not so sure about taking teleport out of the circle system completely, but maybe put it on first circle. I still say the whole system is too restrictive though. Even at high levels, you can't cast 1st circle spells as much as a high level person needs to. I think they should probably be doubled or almost tripled for the 1-3 circles. Perhaps increase the amount you can cast 4th and 5th circle spells too, but I am not sure how much.

I agree with that statement, a high level PC playing on increased spawns MMM absolutely needs less casting restrictions.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:00 pm

Good point, some restriction would be nice.
Though, in this early stage, it's nice to see as much of the mod as possible, in my opinion. I am also a great fan of equal chances for PC vs.NPC and vise versa.
Indeed, less intelligent beings might be less capable of these powerful spells.
I am not sure what terms should be used, as intelligence is not the only factor in play, obviously.

I think the spells definitely are a great enhancement to the creatures.
Atronachs are Daedric entities tied to a magical body, and surely capable of some advanced magicks.
Imps, are not the dumbest of creatures either and rely on their magick most of the time.

Telleport is an awesome spell that hasn't been annoying to me a tall. Challanging, yes, but isn't that what this mod offers?
A challenging way of new spells and effects to use be confronted with?

I am actually quiet satisfied with the way this mod works and the direction it's going.

Ps. Thanks for the Patch!:)
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:47 pm

Thanks you for this great creativity mod!
Using it even if I dont play mage character, but I'm using mage companions.
Waiting for new releases.

Endorsed/voted file of the month at tesnexus.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 2:35 pm

I am actually quiet satisfied with the way this mod works and the direction it's going.

Same. I just thought it could be improved :)

Oh and I finally saw the raise undead spell. Sort of surprised me though. I wasn't sure they were going to.
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Alexis Acevedo
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 4:30 pm

Same. I just thought it could be improved :)

Oh and I finally saw the raise undead spell. Sort of surprised me though. I wasn't sure they were going to.

Hmm, I'm curious of your opinion on that one... did you like it?
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josh evans
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:15 am

Hmm, I'm curious of your opinion on that one... did you like it?

Yeah, it worked fine and it seemed to have a decent range. I THINK the NPC was sort of far away from one of the zombies it brought back. Also, they come back at full HP right?

And I was kinda thinking that maybe that spell should be a high priority for them (I was fighting necromancers) so they'll be sure to cast it. I'd surely cast that spell myself if my zombie minions died. Makes killing them even more important.
Personally I hated the "undead rise" of MMM so I disabled that right away, but this I like.
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Post » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:56 pm

I really don't know what else I can do.

I have all the requirements. (Shivering Isles update, OBSE and its plugins, etc.)
I got OBGEv2 and deleted OBGEv1
Using OBMM, Ive moved FearsomeMagicka.esp to the bottom of the list, which I assume is the load order.

The game loads fine, but when I cast a spell, nothing happens. The effect icon and timer for the effect at the top right-hand corner of the screen appears, but nothing seems to emanate from my characters cast animation. I can cast it at NPC's and they fight back but I cant notice doing any damage whatsoever. The stats for today's casts spell also worked fine and even though I tried casting Acid Arrow, it says I haven't used any of my casts for the day. I only bought Acid arrow, as it costs so much to buy the scrolls and its the one I picked. Strangely enough though, Npc's can cast new spells such as some circular spell that gives the user black wings and forces me into 3rd person and some type of green shockwave spell.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:19 am

I really don't know what else I can do.

I have all the requirements. (Shivering Isles update, OBSE and its plugins, etc.)
I got OBGEv2 and deleted OBGEv1
Using OBMM, Ive moved FearsomeMagicka.esp to the bottom of the list, which I assume is the load order.

The game loads fine, but when I cast a spell, nothing happens. The effect icon and timer for the effect at the top right-hand corner of the screen appears, but nothing seems to emanate from my characters cast animation. I can cast it at NPC's and they fight back but I cant notice doing any damage whatsoever. The stats for today's casts spell also worked fine and even though I tried casting Acid Arrow, it says I haven't used any of my casts for the day. I only bought Acid arrow, as it costs so much to buy the scrolls and its the one I picked. Strangely enough though, Npc's can cast new spells such as some circular spell that gives the user black wings and forces me into 3rd person and some type of green shockwave spell.

It seems that everything is allright, here is an explanation: Acid Arrow and Magic Missiles spells rended homing projectiles, therefore these require a target actor. Casting this spell without a target actor will do nothing, it will not count as using the spell, that is why after you've cast it several times is says the spell wans't cast. As for the damage: if the target actor has not absorbed the spell(it is possible) nor his magic resistance is at level 100(magicka resistance decreased the damage proportionally to it's value), the damage is dealt according to your PC's destruction skill(all is described in the notes your char has in inventory).

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