Quite often, that "apparently useful clutter" is given a specific use in a mod. If all of it is converted into nearly useless stuff (most of what you list is terrible weapons) then it will interfere with it being put to actual creative use by modders.
This is by far the best argument that I've read so far; however, I'm still not convinced. For one thing, modders can create their own items so they don't have to simply depend upon existing useless items, although I'm sure the latter is much easier. Furthermore, I suspect modders can redefine or assign additional uses to items beyond their pre-programmed uses.
I'm making assumptions about modding capabilities here. The bottom line is that I agree that consideration of mods is very important and I wouldn't want "apparently useful clutter" to have pre-programmed use if that would in fact hurt the modding community tremendously.
Regardless though, even if I'm wrong about the effects on modding, then at least I still stand by some of my suggestions for clutter because I can't imagine a better use. For example, inkwells, quills and parchment should be used for http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1157196-feature-request-custom-journal-notes. I really don't care if modders have different ideas for them, because this would be the most logical and valuable use to me as a player.
The same goes for my ideas about basic weaponry. I understand that a modder might have some creative use for a shovel (such as digging holes
), but frankly I want to hit people with it. No, it wouldn't be my weapon of choice, but the point is that I can if I want to, and probably will at least a few times for a laugh