Features list to be fixed in patch or expansion

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:11 am

Ok so far there are severall things that they should implement , fix or adjoust in the next patch ( possibly) or in the expansion...

  • fix the all terrain climber horse
  • fix the power horse charging behaviour and supernatural abilities
  • better balance of the difficulty levels , poeasants and horses or companions shouln't be scaled up in order to use them as tanks
  • better balance of the difficulty level not touching of much the damage done but increasing more the resistance of the enemies , this will allow for longer and more fun games than unsatisfing die and relaoad experience
  • give horse and transportation to other npcs , and especially ability to buy a horse for the companion and make him use
  • be able to have more than one companion on higher difficulty settings
  • allow werewolves to jump higher and more powerfully
  • limit the werewolves ability from 1 a day to a night only cycle combined with moons fullness
  • Give faster movement to vampires , 50% sound reduction , higher jump
  • fix the invisibility , if you are invisible and in a fight enemies can still see you and targetting with max precision arrows even by long distance
  • put in the "fabled" snow accumulation
  • fix some npcs behaviour that keeps welcoming and greeting even after having been bad treated , attacked or beaten up ...
  • possibility of horseback fighting especially bow use
  • fix the no jump while running fast option , ( when yyou walk fast you can jump but you can't when on fast run ) and allow a longer jump with relative animation
  • add torches to the emporiums as sold items
  • fix the unpickability of some objects ( for example some lanterns , torches or other items are pickable in some places and not in others )
  • add journal options with "review" of dialogues and done things.
  • add possibility to add "name" details on the map
  • fix the problem when chosing some selected location to not offer fast travel
  • allow full zoom in out for the map and full pan rotation of the view
  • evidentiate better trails and paths on the 3d map
  • add spellcrafting
  • increase spell variations and roster
  • add spellcrafting
  • increase spell variations and roster fix level scaling for monsters by adjousting mostly the scale on resistance and aggressive behaviour other than just increasing the damage they do as htis ruins the game experience
  • Fix the respawn of already killed enemies , allow eventual occupation of the "completed" hideouts by other inhabitants that took over after some time but not from the same ... ( thise feels too much like a MMO spawn enemies hideouts...
  • Better Interface to show character and equipment
  • better UI that is more imersive and less feeling like an Ipad scifi menu
  • better fast selection roster using the Directional pad ( put 4 elements ) directly enabled and not go into the menu passage ( otherwise isn't fast no?)
  • fix the soulgem spam , there are everywhere and seem available to any kind of people , add instead more items and objects of value to be traded and comercialized like small satues , pottery , valuable artistry items and so on ...
  • Better detailing of itneriors or exteriors some areas semm well detailed while other seem quite poor or scarce with a spam of soulgems and repeated items...
  • Fix the vanity camera , befoure it was possible to zoom from out up to face now no more , befoure you could walk and watch your player now no more, woudl also be nice to be able to zoom in when using the horse and tiding it ...

  • Add attributes back
  • add more skils and with relative perk trees
  • allow possibility to sit on ground and create campfires to res or cook
  • add pickability for any junk object
  • add more armour customization options based on combination like fur + elven or leather + glass and so on allowing also some extra detailing options graphically
  • add more old tracks to the game sounds ( as since some morrowind was used I guess as filler for missing music
  • add weather extreme condition penalties
  • add overcoats slots for heavy garments over armours or capes
  • More perk differentiation , avoid just numeric improvements of % and add some actual new features or actions
  • specialize and subdivide into more detailed skills some of the actual ones like the generic 2 handed into 2 h swords , 2 h mace 2h axes and 2h spears and so on ...
  • add graphical scabbard for dual wield weapons
  • make unchanbgeable the blessing of warrior , mage or thief , making it changeable at any time makes it virtually useless...
  • add more transportation like fluvial boats, sea boats , carts ...
  • more environment interaction from dragons , so far they can attack a village give fire and nothing happens if not just some leaves or straw rised in whirlwinds....
  • personality traits for followers and npcs , not make them just unemotional puppets with a scripted list of things to say ...

  • Fix quest bugs found
  • Fix crash and lag bugs
  • Fix textures and odels bugs

more to be added
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Hope Greenhaw
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:27 pm

My number one wish is that confirmation dialog boxes are hot keyed. What I mean is when I'm crafting i dont have to use the mouse to confirm options. I should only hit enter or "r". I have no idea why is that not implemented. it really ruins the flow of crafting when using wasd and enter to navigate the menu but then i have to use the mouse to confirm selected options.
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darnell waddington
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:01 pm

Not a word about magic? Spells need to scale with skilllevel and level or give us spellcrafting back.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:00 pm

I can't wait to play the game.....when the next patch is out, I'm in the store the very next minute. :)
I hope the game experience will be much better, than it is now for most players... :/
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Gen Daley
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:58 pm

Not a word about magic? Spells need to scale with skilllevel and level or give us spellcrafting back.

I honestly haven't tested much the magic to say something as I am playing mostly a warrior but with the few spells I got it seemed to me they are dependant on the mana you have and scale?

anyway Added...
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:07 pm

I honestly haven't tested much the magic to say something as I am playing mostly a warrior but with the few spells I got it seemed to me they are dependant on the mana you have and scale?

Well test a mage and you can see that 1, magic effects do not scale and 2, mana regeneration and the amount of mana is way too small to be able to cast better spells and survive on bigger fights (like i had to be 22 or something with all points on magicka to be able to dual cast lighting rune, even with level 50 perk). This problem is mostly with destruction, other spell schools seems to be fine but tomes are sometimes a bit hard to find.
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Sasha Brown
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:36 am

Oh boy, another one of your whine threads? As if the others weren't enough?

The game is feature locked. The only things that will get fixed are things not working as intended, or things that are glitched to an nonworking state. Anything introduced that is new will be as DLC/Expansions.
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Hella Beast
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:04 pm

Still no toon image in inventory so you can see what you're wearing :mad:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:47 am

Oh boy, another one of your whine threads? As if the others weren't enough?

The game is feature locked. The only things that will get fixed are things not working as intended, or things that are glitched to an nonworking state. Anything introduced that is new will be as DLC/Expansions.

"boy" learn to read what is written befoure posting ...

Ok so far there are severall things that they should implement , fix or adjoust in the next patch ( possibly) or in the expansion...

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Michael Korkia
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:36 am

Oh boy, another one of your whine threads? As if the others weren't enough?

The game is feature locked. The only things that will get fixed are things not working as intended, or things that are glitched to an nonworking state. Anything introduced that is new will be as DLC/Expansions.

I know the bugs will be fixed soon enough. But what I want to see is them fix all the glitched quests. I have ran into numerous ones where I have to reload for it to work properly and THAT shouldn't be happening. I also think they gave us a generic UI because they were overly busy trying to pile in as much content as they could. For those of you who haven't bought or seen the Guide...........It is the size of a frikkin phone book............LOL
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Jason King
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:15 am

I know the bugs will be fixed soon enough. But what I want to see is them fix all the glitched quests. I have ran into numerous ones where I have to reload for it to work properly and THAT shouldn't be happening. I also think they gave us a generic UI because they were overly busy trying to pile in as much content as they could. For those of you who haven't bought or seen the Guide...........It is the size of a frikkin phone book............LOL

I have played over 50 hours and I havne't found a single quest but or gaphical but but I added them to the list just because many are finding them so much m I think coul dbe usefull to list them into a more precise format than just saying quest bugs in general ... most of the graphical bugs may be due to the pc settings and old drivers , I am having the bug that the water turns invisible or too trasparent once in while but I just need to quit and restart the game , other times the game minimizes by itself , not a big problem tough ... as for quests all did work fine so far apart been gived a quest twice....
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Mari martnez Martinez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:13 pm

it albo would be nice if travel via hired carriage was actual travel instead of fast travel. i would love to sit back and enjoy the view
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saharen beauty
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:24 pm

it albo would be nice if travel via hired carriage was actual travel instead of fast travel. i would love to sit back and enjoy the view

I think this could be a modded in feature as it seems to be working in the introduction of the game ....
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:11 am

Fix the vanity camera , befoure it was possible to zoom from out up to face now no more , befoure you could walk and watch your player now no more, woudl also be nice to be able to zoom in when using the horse and tiding it ...
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:01 pm

Send this to Bethesda through they're support email address, they've asked players to use that form as its most likely to be read.

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Andres Lechuga
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:34 pm

Cool story bro.
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claire ley
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:17 pm

Only one I truly care about is for them to fix the physics bugs. I haven't come across any other bugs that disappointed me like this one did. I like to make a museum out of my houses. And in Skyrim all I can do it put stuff on the bookshelf or in chests, unless I want it scatter on the floor.
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:34 pm

My first two fixes would be obvioiusly the performance issues for PC that ALOT of ppl are having. Fixing the UI for the PC as where you click with the mouse is not whats gonna happen 75% of the time when in menus and inventory. Im playing a PC game with a mouse + keyboard and have no desire to use a controller to opperate the UI heh.

The next big thing for me is fix magic to be inline with melee and archery. Its just far too weak and makes being a pure mage difficult (as it should be) but not fun (like it should be). Some easy fixes I've come up with for it are realistic, simple and is def not outside of the realm of a free patch.
Copyed from my previous post about the magic issue:

"These problems are exacerbated by a few things, among them is in the perks themselves where the only +dmg for destruction is 6 differant perks that only increase each of the 3 elements by +50%. In contrast there is a +100% base dmg for melee and archery on top of all the +crit perks. Also there is a +dual wield dmg perk for melee but none for dual cast magic. *Sigh* to top it all off there to my knowledge there isn't a way to create your own spells like in pervious games to keep them up to snuff as you level up and then as a slap in the face there are +dmg enchants for melee and archery but there are none for the magic schools just mana cost reduction enchants!

A few solutions to these issues I've come up with would be to either change it so the effects of spells increase as your level in that magic school increases the same way melee and archery do but up to a cap at the next rank. What I mean by that is, say fireball is an apprientnce spell that starts with 25 dmg it would increase in dmg as your destruction goes from 25-50 to say 40 or 50 dmg then once you hit the adept rank at 50 destruction it would stop increasing in dmg and you have to then buy the adept spell to keep scaleing up. Another fix would be to add onto the mana cost reduction perks a +25% dmg increase for spells of that same rank, which IMO should rightly be there either way just to keep its output in line with the perks from melee and archery. Or it could be changed so the +25%/+50% perks for each element was instead a +50%/+100% which would also put it inline with melee and archery. Also the impact perk for dual cast should have at least a +25% dmg increase for dual cast spells. And finally add in +dmg enchants for magic!"
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:32 am

Two rings please.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:58 pm

This belongs in the mods forum, bethesda doesn't do requests. All they will do is address hardware issues and a few bugs.
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Scared humanity
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:25 pm

Ok so far there are severall things that they should implement , fix or adjoust in the next patch ( possibly) or in the expansion...

  • fix the all terrain climber horse

I do hope they don't change the horse climbing all terrain. It's one of those things that doesn't effect role players, but helps a great deal if you got lost and the only way to get back on the right path would be a ten minute round trip.

  • fix the power horse charging behaviour and supernatural abilities
  • better balance of the difficulty levels , poeasants and horses or companions shouln't be scaled up in order to use them as tanks
  • better balance of the difficulty level not touching of much the damage done but increasing more the resistance of the enemies , this will allow for longer and more fun games than unsatisfing die and relaoad experience
  • What do you mean die and reload? Increasing the resistance of enemies other than dragons is just lame.
  • give horse and transportation to other npcs , and especially ability to buy a horse for the companion and make him use
  • NPCs already use horses occasionally, but I agree that companions should get horses.
  • be able to have more than one companion on higher difficulty settings
  • allow werewolves to jump higher and more powerfully
  • limit the werewolves ability from 1 a day to a night only cycle combined with moons fullness

  • Rather than limiting transformations, I'd prefer that they simply implemented lunar phases which would force you to transform against your will, provided you don't have the ring of Hircine.
  • Give faster movement to vampires , 50% sound reduction , higher jump

  • If vampires get any kind of physical boost, then it should also be made available to werewolves in human form to an extent.
  • fix the invisibility , if you are invisible and in a fight enemies can still see you and targetting with max precision arrows even by long distance
  • put in the "fabled" snow accumulation
  • fix some npcs behaviour that keeps welcoming and greeting even after having been bad treated , attacked or beaten up ...
  • possibility of horseback fighting especially bow use
  • fix the no jump while running fast option , ( when yyou walk fast you can jump but you can't when on fast run ) and allow a longer jump with relative animation
  • add torches to the emporiums as sold items
  • fix the unpickability of some objects ( for example some lanterns , torches or other items are pickable in some places and not in others )
  • add journal options with "review" of dialogues and done things.
  • add possibility to add "name" details on the map
  • fix the problem when chosing some selected location to not offer fast travel
  • allow full zoom in out for the map and full pan rotation of the view
  • evidentiate better trails and paths on the 3d map
  • add spellcrafting
  • increase spell variations and roster
  • add spellcrafting
  • increase spell variations and roster fix level scaling for monsters by adjousting mostly the scale on resistance and aggressive behaviour other than just increasing the damage they do as htis ruins the game experience
  • Fix the respawn of already killed enemies , allow eventual occupation of the "completed" hideouts by other inhabitants that took over after some time but not from the same ... ( thise feels too much like a MMO spawn enemies hideouts...
  • Better Interface to show character and equipment
  • better UI that is more imersive and less feeling like an Ipad scifi menu
  • better fast selection roster using the Directional pad ( put 4 elements ) directly enabled and not go into the menu passage ( otherwise isn't fast no?)
  • fix the soulgem spam , there are everywhere and seem available to any kind of people , add instead more items and objects of value to be traded and comercialized like small satues , pottery , valuable artistry items and so on ...
  • Better detailing of itneriors or exteriors some areas semm well detailed while other seem quite poor or scarce with a spam of soulgems and repeated items...
  • Fix the vanity camera , befoure it was possible to zoom from out up to face now no more , befoure you could walk and watch your player now no more, woudl also be nice to be able to zoom in when using the horse and tiding it ...

  • Wished
      I disagree about the UI, it looks a ton better than any previous ones, and is happily more than likely going to stay as is. What they need to do is make it so that scrolling actually works, and maybe even push the boat out and give us a grid selection system on the equipment screens, which would ultimately be much better for a mouse.
    • Add attributes back
    • add more skils and with relative perk trees
    • allow possibility to sit on ground and create campfires to res or cook
    • add pickability for any junk object
    • add more armour customization options based on combination like fur + elven or leather + glass and so on allowing also some extra detailing options graphically
    • add more old tracks to the game sounds ( as since some morrowind was used I guess as filler for missing music
    • add weather extreme condition penalties
    • add overcoats slots for heavy garments over armours or capes
    • More perk differentiation , avoid just numeric improvements of % and add some actual new features or actions
    • specialize and subdivide into more detailed skills some of the actual ones like the generic 2 handed into 2 h swords , 2 h mace 2h axes and 2h spears and so on ...
    • add graphical scabbard for dual wield weapons
    • make unchanbgeable the blessing of warrior , mage or thief , making it changeable at any time makes it virtually useless...
    • add more transportation like fluvial boats, sea boats , carts ...
    • more environment interaction from dragons , so far they can attack a village give fire and nothing happens if not just some leaves or straw rised in whirlwinds....
    • personality traits for followers and npcs , not make them just unemotional puppets with a scripted list of things to say ...

    • Fix quest bugs found
    • Fix crash and lag bugs
    • Fix textures and odels bugs

    more to be added

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    Samantha Pattison
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    Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:43 am

    I read your list and and don't see anything unreasonable (under the realistic title)...perhaps the mounted bow shooting not in the cards, but Bethesda should definitely take a look at this list.
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    Ricky Meehan
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    Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:39 pm

    I do hope they don't change the horse climbing all terrain. It's one of those things that doesn't effect role players, but helps a great deal if you got lost and the only way to get back on the right path would be a ten minute round trip.

    Well they shoudl just simply but back athletics ( that allowed a better jumping ability over obstacles and climbing ) or a climbing feature but having the horse to climb on 89 ° slope is quite silly ....
    What do you mean die and reload? Increasing the resistance of enemies other than dragons is just lame.

    I mean that the way they have increased the difficulty is just increasing the damage and health of enemies , apart the discussion on a better AI that may be taking a whole new thread , by increasing the health and not much the damage it woudl allow players to last longer in a fight , the fight would be more compelling and last more time as you will need more hits on the enemy to take it down while on the other hand you won't be killed in one blow , wich is instead what is happening so , you are forced to use tricks like jumping on a rock , flee and since you die so often then reload reload reload the same save wich is frustrating , to my opinion a higher difficulty doesn't means that you have to die more times but that it shoudl be harder to accomplish a task ....

    Rather than limiting transformations, I'd prefer that they simply implemented lunar phases which would force you to transform against your will, provided you don't have the ring of Hircine.

    A preferred solution yes ....
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    Oscar Vazquez
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    Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:23 pm

    Ok so far there are severall things that they should implement , fix or adjoust in the next patch ( possibly) or in the expansion...

    • fix the all terrain climber horse
    • fix the power horse charging behaviour and supernatural abilities
    • better balance of the difficulty levels , poeasants and horses or companions shouln't be scaled up in order to use them as tanks
    • better balance of the difficulty level not touching of much the damage done but increasing more the resistance of the enemies , this will allow for longer and more fun games than unsatisfing die and relaoad experience
    • give horse and transportation to other npcs , and especially ability to buy a horse for the companion and make him use
    • be able to have more than one companion on higher difficulty settings
    • allow werewolves to jump higher and more powerfully
    • limit the werewolves ability from 1 a day to a night only cycle combined with moons fullness
    • Give faster movement to vampires , 50% sound reduction , higher jump
    • fix the invisibility , if you are invisible and in a fight enemies can still see you and targetting with max precision arrows even by long distance
    • put in the "fabled" snow accumulation
    • fix some npcs behaviour that keeps welcoming and greeting even after having been bad treated , attacked or beaten up ...
    • possibility of horseback fighting especially bow use
    • fix the no jump while running fast option , ( when yyou walk fast you can jump but you can't when on fast run ) and allow a longer jump with relative animation
    • add torches to the emporiums as sold items
    • fix the unpickability of some objects ( for example some lanterns , torches or other items are pickable in some places and not in others )
    • add journal options with "review" of dialogues and done things.
    • add possibility to add "name" details on the map
    • fix the problem when chosing some selected location to not offer fast travel
    • allow full zoom in out for the map and full pan rotation of the view
    • evidentiate better trails and paths on the 3d map
    • add spellcrafting
    • increase spell variations and roster
    • add spellcrafting
    • increase spell variations and roster fix level scaling for monsters by adjousting mostly the scale on resistance and aggressive behaviour other than just increasing the damage they do as htis ruins the game experience
    • Fix the respawn of already killed enemies , allow eventual occupation of the "completed" hideouts by other inhabitants that took over after some time but not from the same ... ( thise feels too much like a MMO spawn enemies hideouts...
    • Better Interface to show character and equipment
    • better UI that is more imersive and less feeling like an Ipad scifi menu
    • better fast selection roster using the Directional pad ( put 4 elements ) directly enabled and not go into the menu passage ( otherwise isn't fast no?)
    • fix the soulgem spam , there are everywhere and seem available to any kind of people , add instead more items and objects of value to be traded and comercialized like small satues , pottery , valuable artistry items and so on ...
    • Better detailing of itneriors or exteriors some areas semm well detailed while other seem quite poor or scarce with a spam of soulgems and repeated items...
    • Fix the vanity camera , befoure it was possible to zoom from out up to face now no more , befoure you could walk and watch your player now no more, woudl also be nice to be able to zoom in when using the horse and tiding it ...

    • Add attributes back
    • add more skils and with relative perk trees
    • allow possibility to sit on ground and create campfires to res or cook
    • add pickability for any junk object
    • add more armour customization options based on combination like fur + elven or leather + glass and so on allowing also some extra detailing options graphically
    • add more old tracks to the game sounds ( as since some morrowind was used I guess as filler for missing music
    • add weather extreme condition penalties
    • add overcoats slots for heavy garments over armours or capes
    • More perk differentiation , avoid just numeric improvements of % and add some actual new features or actions
    • specialize and subdivide into more detailed skills some of the actual ones like the generic 2 handed into 2 h swords , 2 h mace 2h axes and 2h spears and so on ...
    • add graphical scabbard for dual wield weapons
    • make unchanbgeable the blessing of warrior , mage or thief , making it changeable at any time makes it virtually useless...
    • add more transportation like fluvial boats, sea boats , carts ...
    • more environment interaction from dragons , so far they can attack a village give fire and nothing happens if not just some leaves or straw rised in whirlwinds....
    • personality traits for followers and npcs , not make them just unemotional puppets with a scripted list of things to say ...

    • Fix quest bugs found
    • Fix crash and lag bugs
    • Fix textures and odels bugs

    more to be added

    I would probably only agree with "better balance of the difficulty level not touching of much the damage done but increasing more the resistance of the enemies , this will allow for longer and more fun games than unsatisfing die and relaoad experience".

    Dying in one hit from an undead boss svcks.

    Spellcrafting seems unrealistic for skyrim because it was obviously unintended. There might be too much code change required to put that in. Snow accumulation seems like a waste of space imo (in terms of benefit to space cost).

    [*]add journal options with "review" of dialogues and done things.
    Unrealistic for xbox. Might work on PC but because not on xbox probably only as a mod.

    I didnt read all because was tl;dr.
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    Dan Endacott
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    Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:58 pm

    I need better controls for PC user, right now I think it's impossible to make use of 1 2 3 4 5 ... keys
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    Mark Churchman
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