Hence, the wonderful modding community.
Let me also say that this thread is not a "bash the devs" thread. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Afterall, Bethesda's generosity is what allows us gamers to create and apply all those wonderful mods via the provided Dev Kit.
Now that I'm done with my introduction, here is a list of the features which I already plan to mod.
Please post your thoughts, and perhaps a list of your own.
"What-We-Know statement eluding to my issue"
short explanation of why I don't like the feature or game mechanic.
MOD - what the mod should contain/accomplish.
1) "Leveling is faster than in previous games."
Granted, we have yet to see the leveling in action. But based on recent Bethesda games, their leveling scale tends to always be on the quick side.
In this case, they are openly stating that leveling is fast. Does not bode well this this little gamer.
Since I plan to spend literaly hundreds of hours on each play through, I have a feeling that this game mechanic will need to be toned-down.
MOD - Reduce experience gained, or increase experience required per-level.
2) "You gain a perk every level."
Similar to #1. Again, no idea what the perks are or will do at the moment... but I prefer to build and role-play a specialized character (bard, warrior, thief, etc.).
Playing an uber-powered world eater has never been much fun for too long.
MOD - Perk every other level
3) Some Dragons are scripted, while others appear randomly.
This is the only statement I could find referring to the amount of dragons in the game, but essentially I want dragon encounters to be few and faw between.
In one of the interviews, it was stated that you could find yourself being chased by two dragons at once.
It was also stated that the Radiant AI will force you to encounter a dragon if you haven't fought one in a while (something to those lines).
I want dragon encounters to be few and far between, epic and all-consumming battles to the death. In other words, I want to barely make it through a battle with a dragon, unless I am close to the level cap and have all Dragon shouts at full power. Even then, the battle with a dragon should be epic, require strategy and preparation, and cost me lots of health, resources, and time to be victorious.
Mod - Decrease dragon frequency. Remove Dragon encounters from Radiant Story. Make dragons much more powerful.
More to come... but gotta a fire at work!