Features / Mechanics that I already want MODs for

Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:46 am

Believe me when I say I'm a huge fan of Bethesda and the fantastic games they produce. As was the case with Oblivion, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the console-port versions of these games always lacked a great deal of content and customization. Console players were stuck with whatever Beth's developers felt was the best all-around representation of the game world. In most cases, I've always leaned towards a more challenging, classic (aka hardcoe) gaming experience.
Hence, the wonderful modding community.

Let me also say that this thread is not a "bash the devs" thread. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Afterall, Bethesda's generosity is what allows us gamers to create and apply all those wonderful mods via the provided Dev Kit.
Now that I'm done with my introduction, here is a list of the features which I already plan to mod.
Please post your thoughts, and perhaps a list of your own.

"What-We-Know statement eluding to my issue"
short explanation of why I don't like the feature or game mechanic.
MOD - what the mod should contain/accomplish.

1) "Leveling is faster than in previous games."
Granted, we have yet to see the leveling in action. But based on recent Bethesda games, their leveling scale tends to always be on the quick side.
In this case, they are openly stating that leveling is fast. Does not bode well this this little gamer.
Since I plan to spend literaly hundreds of hours on each play through, I have a feeling that this game mechanic will need to be toned-down.
MOD - Reduce experience gained, or increase experience required per-level.

2) "You gain a perk every level."
Similar to #1. Again, no idea what the perks are or will do at the moment... but I prefer to build and role-play a specialized character (bard, warrior, thief, etc.).
Playing an uber-powered world eater has never been much fun for too long.
MOD - Perk every other level

3) Some Dragons are scripted, while others appear randomly.
This is the only statement I could find referring to the amount of dragons in the game, but essentially I want dragon encounters to be few and faw between.
In one of the interviews, it was stated that you could find yourself being chased by two dragons at once.
It was also stated that the Radiant AI will force you to encounter a dragon if you haven't fought one in a while (something to those lines).
I want dragon encounters to be few and far between, epic and all-consumming battles to the death. In other words, I want to barely make it through a battle with a dragon, unless I am close to the level cap and have all Dragon shouts at full power. Even then, the battle with a dragon should be epic, require strategy and preparation, and cost me lots of health, resources, and time to be victorious.
Mod - Decrease dragon frequency. Remove Dragon encounters from Radiant Story. Make dragons much more powerful.

More to come... but gotta a fire at work!
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:04 am

Format:"What-We-Know statement eluding to my issue"short explanation of why I don't like the feature or game mechanic.MOD - what the mod should contain/accomplish.1) "Leveling is faster than in previous games."Granted, we have yet to see the leveling in action. But based on recent Bethesda games, their leveling scale tends to always be on the quick side.In this case, they are openly stating that leveling is fast. Does not bode well this this little gamer.Since I plan to spend literaly hundreds of hours on each play through, I have a feeling that this game mechanic will need to be toned-down.MOD - Reduce experience gained, or increase experience required per-level.2) "You gain a perk every level."Similar to #1. Again, no idea what the perks are or will do at the moment... but I prefer to build and role-play a specialized character (bard, warrior, thief, etc.).Playing an uber-powered world eater has never been much fun for too long.[color="#000080"]MOD - Perk every other level

You get 50 perks, there are 280, your character will not be an uber god.

About everythign else, thats your choice, Im glad with the way dragons are, and there are more levels to go through before you are a god it seems so Im fine with leveling speed until I see it in action.
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Greg Swan
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:25 am

This just sounds like complaining.

1) There's going to be more emphasis on higher levels than on Morrowind and Oblivion, where you'd make it to level 30 and be a Mangod.

2) There's over 200 perks

3) That's the story. That's like if you modded Dagoth Ur out of Morrowind.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:58 am

1) "Leveling is faster than in previous games."

Because the relative strength gain per level has been approximately halved. You will be as strong at level 30 as you used to be at level 15. Leveling has to be faster.

2) "You gain a perk every level."

There are 280 perks to choose from and you will receive 50 of them. You aren't going to be a god, able to do everything. Any fewer perks than this and you will only be able to truly specialize in two or three skills, less than half of the "Major" skills from Oblivion.

Maybe you already want the mods, but you probably won't need them. I'd wait until you play the game before you make assumptions about what needs changing.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:52 am

I'd wait until you play the game before you make assumptions about what needs changing.

Sometimes the simplest of ideas are in fact the very best :ribbon:
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joseluis perez
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:48 am

Stop complaining, it all sounds great
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sally coker
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:30 am

In other words, I want to barely make it through a battle with a dragon, unless I am close to the level cap and have all Dragon shouts at full power.

Random thought..... the dragon shouts are gained by spending the dragon souls you get for killing dragons. If you make the dragons few & far between, you may have a hard time getting "all Dragon shouts at full power". We'll have to see.

edit: also.... those font colors? Fantastically annoying. The dark blue, particularly, blends amazingly well into the black forum background. Very hard to read.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:21 am

I would agree that leveling seemed too fast in previous games but from what I understand the time it takes to get from 1-50 should be around the same as 1-30 in oblivion so the faster leveling would be to compensate for the increase in levels that was used to allow for more perks.
I can see myself using a slower leveling mod anyway since if what they say is true it will still be too fast for my taste.

I'm not sure about your idea on dragons, removing them completely from radiant story wouldn't be something I would do, maybe I would reduce their frequency (provided that is moddable) but I'll have to see if that's a problem first lol.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:12 am

PC UI will obviously need fixing.

Since the game is made to console graphical standards; obviously graphical overhauls

The game will be made to be easily playable this is a known fact, they've said it themselves, SO OOO/ect balance overhaul mods.

Depending on the level of customization with armor we'll most likely need a separate pieces mod if its possible (hopefully bethesda just gives us the full sdk and not a locked down toolset).

Spears, crossbows, throwing weapons

The combat is going to be mostly similar to Oblivion (melee) so a mount and blade combat mod would omfg take my money.

Gold will most likely be super easy to get so a massive increase in prices,decreased amount of merchant gold, decreased amount of gold looted as well. Then you can have banks (weighted gold) and bank notes (paper monies representing gold). I would like a highly interactive economy mod as well.

eh screw that all just a sequel to nehrim w/ mount and blade melee combat.
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Trevor Bostwick
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:51 pm

Oh yipee.., another tread like one I made myself where someone says what they like/don't like about the news about Skryim, and discuss mods to their own single player game build and everyone tells them to shut up and stop "complaining". The fact that someone has a different opinion from you or the devs, or wants to mod the game (which the devs have always and still fully support) sure sounds like a sound reason to derail and denounce the opinions of said person... are you all afraid that all of the precious streamlining stuff that is in the game is going to go away when it seems to me that the common thing people say is that "nothing will change now"? So stop with the hypocrisy and nonsense... you act as if somehow these mods will install themselves like a virus in your game and ruin it for you.

OP doesn't like fast leveling... that's what they stated. They don't have to play the game first to know that... it is a pre-established thing. I don't like non-100% dark dungeons... I don't have to play a game to know that either. Not that hard to understand.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:04 pm

Oh yipee.., another tread like one I made myself where someone says what they like/don't like about the news about Skryim, and discuss mods to their own single player game build and everyone tells them to shut up and stop "complaining". The fact that someone has a different opinion from you or the devs, or wants to mod the game (which the devs have always and still fully support) sure sounds like a sound reason to derail and denounce the opinions of said person... are you all afraid that all of the precious streamlining stuff that is in the game is going to go away when it seems to me that the common thing people say is that "nothing will change now"? So stop with the hypocrisy and nonsense... you act as if somehow these mods will install themselves like a virus in your game and ruin it for you.

OP doesn't like fast leveling... that's what they stated. They don't have to play the game first to know that... it is a pre-established thing. I don't like non-100% dark dungeons... I don't have to play a game to know that either. Not that hard to understand.

Although I disagree with most of TC's changes, his post is %100 correct.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:41 am

You get 50 perks, there are 280, your character will not be an uber god.

You cant really make the assumption that because you only get 50/280 perks your character will not be stupidly powerful by mid/end game. You hit god mode in Fallout 3 before level 15. God mode in Oblivion was pretty much hit as soon as you left the tutorial sewers.

Because the relative strength gain per level has been approximately halved. You will be as strong at level 30 as you used to be at level 15. Leveling has to be faster.

Level 15 in what game? What your character level was in Oblivion had little reflection on how powerful your character really was.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:00 am

Levelling is fast in the beginning so you can quickly create your basic character. Rather than create your character at the start you create it as you play so the first few levels need to be quick so you can get a few perks, skills and attributes up to define your character. If you want it slower that's fair enough though, I found fallout 3's levelling to be too quick and modded it, to each his own.
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:53 pm

nvde mods and skimpy armor.

No game is full without one...
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Angela Woods
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:40 pm

3) That's the story. That's like if you modded Dagoth Ur out of Morrowind.

An even better one though would be removing all of the planes of Oblivion from OB.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:37 am

1) you level faster but each individual level is less significant than in prior games. In Morrowind and Oblivion a level 35 character was pretty much a demigod. In Skyrim he's just a bad dude.

2) Perks are the main defining characteristic of your character's skill set now. They're arranged in trees under each skill. You get one every level because that's the main way you increase your power.

3) Dragons are necessary to upgrade your shouts, which you still have to find the words for. Previews indicate they're pretty damn tough already. They did some serious damage to Todd's god mode character. If you don't have 999 health you will be scared of them.
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:36 am

Stop complaining, it all sounds great

This is the same thing everyone said about Oblivion, Fallout3, New Vegas... heck even the Fable series (all of them).
Look at Mass Effect 2....makes me shudder.

The fact remains that game publishers these days are focused on the.masses. Games are getting easier with each new sequel/generation.
You may be content with having blind faith in the industry trend. Or perhaps you like where games are headed.

I have been right on the money every time a recent.game has been released.
As much as you, I WANT Skyrim to be the ultimate RPG experience.
Unlike you, I'm grounded in reality and realize the vanilla version will need patches and mods before reaching perfection... just like every other game in recent years.

Although i own both ps3 and Xbox, I've preordered Skyrim for PC, upgraded my grafx card, and bought an Xbox controller usb reciever.
Why? Because at the very least PC Mods will greatly enhance the experience.

Fyi - i own Oblivion on both console and PC. I personally find the unmodded vanilla.version unplayable. Feel.bad for consollers missing out.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:32 pm

An even better one though would be removing all of the planes of Oblivion from OB.

Well that certainly would make the Allies for Bruma quest less tedious. :P
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:24 pm

This is the same thing everyone said about Oblivion, Fallout3, New Vegas... heck even the Fable series (all of them).
Look at Mass Effect 2....makes me shudder.

The fact remains that game publishers these days are focused on the.masses. Games are getting easier with each new sequel/generation.
You may be content with having blind faith in the industry trend. Or perhaps you like where games are headed.

I have been right on the money every time a recent.game has been released.
As much as you, I WANT Skyrim to be the ultimate RPG experience.
Unlike you, I'm grounded in reality and realize the vanilla version will need patches and mods before reaching perfection... just like every other game in recent years.

Although i own both ps3 and Xbox, I've preordered Skyrim for PC, upgraded my grafx card, and bought an Xbox controller usb reciever.
Why? Because at the very least PC Mods will greatly enhance the experience.

Fyi - i own Oblivion on both console and PC. I personally find the unmodded vanilla.version unplayable. Feel.bad for consollers missing out.

Maybe you should have a look at other people's post. Of course the game will be more enjoyable with mods, but your points don't make sense.

By the way, perks are, indeed, to specialise your character. They are not like perks in Fallout, but as Talent Trees...
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:04 am

I will also most likely use a level slowing mod, but I am happy that I will still level up faster even with my normal 2.5x or so level slowing, I like gaining levels and its good that Beth increased the range the game is built for to 50, instead of the normal 25 or so.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:09 am

An even better one though would be removing all of the planes of Oblivion from OB.

Actually in a sense... Yes.

One of the IMO necessary mods for Oblivion was to significantly reduce the number of Oblivion gates that open-up towards the end of game.
It was Ridiculous in the vanilla version. Close one gate, 16 more open up.

Felt like ludicrous, neverending torture.
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Gill Mackin
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:46 am

An even better one though would be removing all of the planes of Oblivion from OB.

As odd as it sounds, I can't stand the planes of Oblivion in OB... Created a second character and avoid Kvatch like the plague... just started a new character in which I'm going to rush through the MQ as fast as possible to get rid of them (leveled rewards be darned... I'm not leveling anyway.)
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:04 pm

Stat/rp/hardcoe/whateveruwannacallit mode,
Also ive always wanted my own house that i build bit by bit, say you play for few hours then go back to your shack, I'm gunna save up open the creation kit and continue my game with my character building his ideal home bit by bit. Play abit more maybe chop some wood collect some ore and find some new tools then save n back to the creation to build.
Maybe some other things but they can wait. I just wanna get tired and sleep in my custom home.
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Post » Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:56 pm

My mod ideas?

First and foremost, as should be obvious, the rebalancing of the archetypes with 3 new skills. Mysticism, Athletics (with Acrobatics), and Hand to Hand. This of course assumes we will, at some point, be able to add new skills and have them work like any other skill does.

Second is not only reducing the leveling gain (if it turns out to be too fast) but also increasing what you can gain. The game will no longer be based around level 50 but level 100. More perks will be added to compensate. Such a system would also go hand in hand with a mod or mods that increase the amount of monsters and other activities that can net you more experience.

Third, class UI mod with true birthsign functionality. With the options of denying the class boost, birthsign, etc. as the player sees fit.

Fourth, a port of this http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35300

5th. Mysticism, Athletics, and Hand To Hand expansion to go with my first idea. New spells, new feats (I find perks to be a silly name), etc.

6th, Change any reference to the word "Perks" ingame to "Talents" or "Feats" or some other fitting word.
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Becky Palmer
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:07 am

As odd as it sounds, I can't stand the planes of Oblivion in OB... Created a second character and avoid Kvatch like the plague... just started a new character in which I'm going to rush through the MQ as fast as possible to get rid of them (leveled rewards be darned... I'm not leveling anyway.)

Same here. Last play-through I was 40+ hours in, and never even visited The Blades santuary,,, forget the name now.
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